Modi with Jigme Wangchuk Courtesy: MEA/Government of India
13 June 2014

India-Bhutan: a unique bond

Narendra Modi has picked Bhutan for his first foreign visit after taking charge, a sign that the neighbourhood is a foreign policy priority for the new government. Bhutan’s economy is closely linked to that of India’s, and despite pressures from powerful countries, Bhutan has always kept Indian interests paramount.

Assad rally Courtesy: al Riyadh
13 June 2014

Assad: baptism by a brutal ballot

Basher Assad has been voted to power in Syria in an election which is widely regarded as lacking legitimacy. This will be Assad’s third term in office and his victory is an indication of the control he continues to wield despite growing western backing of opposition groups

radu Courtesy:
13 June 2014

Social media beyond voter mobilisation

These elections may have been an inflection point, when big data hit critical mass. From now, it will be used to maximal effect to raise funds, influence people and read the national mood. Not just by political parties, but equally by pollsters and the media.

GlobSec_2 Courtesy: Gateway House
13 June 2014

Bratislava reflections

GLOBSEC, the Bratislava Global Security forum is central and eastern Europe’s premier security forum. While this year’s edition focused on the crisis in Ukraine, a lack of balanced – or even representative – discourse painted a very bleak picture of Russia and its president

Cyber_Games Courtesy: Conew/Wikimedia Commons
13 June 2014

Policy Catalyst: India’s Privacy Law

Edward Snowden’s revelations about the U.S.’s PRISM surveillance raised many issues related to espionage, electronic surveillance and privacy. It brought home the lack of strong privacy laws in India. As the country sets up its own domestic surveillance system, it must also quickly enact statutory privacy legislation

Lat-Am delegation_210x140 Courtesy:
6 June 2014

India’s 10-point agenda for LatAm

Gateway House outlines a renewed agenda for India’s relationship with Latin America. If the new government led by Narendra Modi takes these policy steps, centred on economic diplomacy, India can benefit from Latin America’s huge natural resources, increasingly assertive foreign policy, and significant economic growth

Shangri La Dialogue Courtesy: Department of National Defence, Republic of Philippines
5 June 2014

Rethinking India’s role in Asia

The recently held Shangri-La Dialogue, an annual security forum of Asia’s defence establishments, highlighted the growing anxieties over China’s belligerent pursuit of territories under dispute in the South China Sea. The U.S. and Japan have made it clear that they will strongly challenge China’s claims. It’s a tussle that will throw up new security dilemmas for India in the future