immigration image Courtesy: Xavier de Jauréguiberry/flickr
3 May 2013

U.S. immigration bill targets Indian IT companies

The proposed immigration reform bill, currently being debated in the U.S. Congress, contains provisions to penalize Indian IT companies for allegedly misusing the H1-B and L1 visas. How can New Delhi tackle this rising U.S. sentiment against Indian companies?

china army Courtesy: Steve Webel/Flickr
26 April 2013

The new, sharper sabre from Beijing

The Chinese army’s trespassing of the Sino-Indian Line of Actual Control near Ladakh has fuelled serious security concerns in India. This signals a sharper policy from Beijing towards India; it is also why its response must be firm, and the Chinese must be seen to back off.

US Economy Courtesy: Ed Gaillard/Flickr
23 April 2013

U.S. economy: The have-nots said so

Following the 2008 mortgage crash, the U.S. Federal Reserve Board implemented a quantitative easing policy – to stabilise the banks, and rejuvenate the economic environment. Although this strategy has brought some respite, it has done so without creating many new jobs for Americans.

Knowledge commons and the future of capitalism Courtesy: Leoboudv/WikimediaCommons
19 April 2013

Knowledge commons and the future of capitalism

Often, many vital inventions are left incomplete or do not reach the market as information is locked up by numerous patent holders. How does this hamper innovation, and why is it necessary to overcome the attitude of ‘anti-commons’ and foster cross-fertilization of knowledge?

Are political parties failing democracy Courtesy: Somenametoforget/Flickr
12 April 2013

Are political parties failing democracy?

Conventional political parties around the world seem to be on the decline, and there are common factors too – precarious economies and a leaching of ideology, for example. How can countries achieve grassroots empowerment in their village republics, and those of ordinary citizens the world over?

India-Pakistan Business first Courtesy: WikimediaCommons/Flickr
5 April 2013

India-Pakistan: Business first

The road to reconciliation between India and Pakistan is likely to be a long and treacherous one. But perhaps economic compulsions can overtake political ones. That is the hope in Karachi, whose business community has started to make its journey across the border to India.

latvia Courtesy: Courtesy: Philaweb/WikimediaCommons
5 April 2013

Latvia: Economic miracle or mangled economy?

Subsequent to the global financial crises of 2007, while several countries were still struggling with economic problems, Latvia managed to dramatically decrease its public debt, and its GDP too grew at an impressive pace. How was this success achieved and at what cost to the people of the country?

obama israel Courtesy: The White House
2 April 2013

Obama: Still equivocating on Palestine

During his visit to Israel, U.S. President Barack Obama spoke in favour of both the Israelis’ right to security and the Palestinians’ right to sovereignty. The issue of settlements, however, remains unresolved and it is unlikely that Israel will make concessions when its neighbours are in turmoil.