naxal_0 Courtesy: naxaliterage
9 August 2012

A wounded democracy

India's foreign policy prowess may be growing, but it is governed by the nation's internal health - which is riddled with poverty, corruption and displacement. Such vulnerabilities can threaten the smooth functioning of our democracy, and need to be addressed promptly.

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9 August 2012

Islamism and democracy

The involvement of Islamists in democratic movements is usually dismissed as a mere ruse to attain political power. However, evidence suggests that people in Muslim-majority democracies support Islamist groups which challenge a dishonest government, rather than those who seek to establish Islamic autocracy.

china environment_0 Courtesy: quinn.anya/Flickr
9 August 2012

The precondition of democracy in China

The ongoing environmental movement in China - like many of the country’s burgeoning social movements - and those involved in it, are using various strategies to demand one of democracy’s preconditions—the rule of law.

democracy in motion latam leaders Courtesy: PMO
9 August 2012

From profligacy to pragmatism

India seems to be treading down the path of fruitless populism that crippled many countries in the past, most notably in Latin America. But like Latin America, India too can embark on a course-correction by implementing pragmatic economic policies alongside progressive but results-driven social spending.

Democracy in motion bmc pic Courtesy: JyotiParekh/Wikimedia Commons
9 August 2012

Democracy begins at home

Participatory governance, especially at the local level, can transform a locality into an ideal community. The experience of officials working with the municipal corporation for bringing about changes in Colaba, South Mumbai, demonstrates the potential of people’s involvement in democracy on the ground.

democracy in motion meera_0 Courtesy: Al Jazeera English/Flickr
9 August 2012

The sisters of Sampoorna

The women of a federation of self-help groups in Mayurbhanj, Odisha, won elections to their village governance bodies in February 2012. Their success is an example of what can be achieved when ordinary citizens participate in the political process, and their story will eventually resonate throughout India.

saran1 - Copy Courtesy: Gateway House
7 August 2012

The health of India’s financial sector

Is India's growing external debt a cause for concern? Are India's public sector banks too big to fail? Gateway House interviews former Whole Time Member of SEBI, Prashant Saran, to discuss the health of India's financial sector.

celac Courtesy: Casa de Gobierno en Argentina/Wikimedia
6 August 2012

Why we need an India-LAC dialogue

The past decade has seen a significant rise in trade and investment flows between India and the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) region. With an international system in flux, it is time for India and LAC to work together to shape a global order that better reflects current economic realities.

Indian-Americans turn Democrat Courtesy: United States Government Work
1 August 2012

Indian-Americans turn Democrat

The Indian-American voters in the U.S. seem to be prioritising their local concerns over the larger U.S.-India bilateral relationship. The Democrats, by facilitating the group’s greater inclusion in U.S. society, politics and businesses, have thus made this huge community lean largely in their favour.

wall street 2 Courtesy: Fletcher6/WikimediaCommons
23 July 2012

The shadow of LIBORgate

As the revelations pile up after the LIBOR rigging incident, it seems Europe and Britain are more committed to enforcement action than America. Real conservatives believe fully in market capitalism, that prices must come from uncorrupted market signals. Could this start a sea-change for enforcement globally?