The story of Darah Shikoh, heir-apparent to the Mughal throne in the mid-17th century , enacted by the National Theatre in London, offers insights on how to get beyond the increasingly polarising global discourse on faith, reason and Islam
The nature of the sweeping victory of AAP and Kejriwal may be unprecedented in India but not in Latin America. In Brazil, Mexico and Colombia, there are lessons for AAP and Arvind Kejriwal as they assume power in New Delhi – and also for the Congress Party as well as the BJP
As Prime Minister Narendra Modi receives U.S. President Obama as his first guest at India’s Republic Day parade, the invitation to Obama and his consequent decision to visit India speak volumes about the prospects for the India-U.S. relationship
2015 has begun on a sombre note as France suffered the worst terror attack in the country's history, and India saw protests by right-wing conservative groups against the screening of the film-PK. Both instances show an increasing intolerance against the questioning of established religions
Even though the India-Latin America relationship is yet to realise its potential, there are unique initiatives bridging this gap. The landmark office of Tata Consultancy Services in Chennai, hailed for its energy efficiency, has been designed by two Uruguayan architects—an effort which represents the growing synergy
Global markets stumbled across all asset categories in the first two weeks of 2015. With the domestic economy showing signs of improvement, structural improvements are now needed to shield the Indian economy from such shocks
The five-day strike threatened by Coal India’s unions has driven home the risks India faces due to excessive dependence on a single company. The Indian economy needs to be secured against such blackmail by diversifying—using more gas and hydropower, and by getting other public sector firms such as NTPC into coal mining
Social media has disrupted how diplomats communicate with each other and the general public. How are diplomats using these platforms? How will future digital tools change the meaning and capabilities of digital diplomacy? Gateway House presents an educational mini-series on digital diplomacy, profiling Indian digital diplomacy, and the future trajectory of digital diplomacy.
The adoption of June 21 as the International Yoga Day by the United Nations signifies the support that recent diplomatic efforts of the government have received on the world stage. The scientific community now needs to produce data and research on the potential scientific value of yoga
The agreement signed at the Climate Change conference at Lima should be a triumph of diplomacy but the reality is quite the opposite. Although the agreement means there is now global unanimity on the need for climate action, the text in the agreement falls short on nearly every indicator