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10 January 2019

India’s Gas Hub Plans Fall Apart

Our Fellow in Energy and Environment Studies, Amit Bhandari was quoted in the World Gas Intelligence Report, published by the Energy Intelligence Group, in an article titled ‘India’s Gas Hub Plans Fall Apart’. Read the full report here.

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7 December 2018

Colombo’s perceptions

A delegation of experts visiting Sri Lanka last month found that while the smaller nation needs to engage with India, it feels dwarfed by it. Its resistance to India’s overtures has to be seen as a part of its assertion of independence and self-identity

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14 November 2018

Is China eroding India’s influence in Nepal?

Research conducted by our Fellow in Energy and Environment Studies, Amit Bhandari on China’s investments in India’s neighbourhood was quoted by Shruti Subramaniam for the South Asia Program at Hudson Institute. Read the full article here.