Christine Lagarde faces the fight of her life
Akshay Mathur, Director of Research and Fellow of Geoeconomics Studies, Gateway House, was quoted in an article on Christine Lagarde in the Canadian magazine Maclean's.
Akshay Mathur, Director of Research and Fellow of Geoeconomics Studies, Gateway House, was quoted in an article on Christine Lagarde in the Canadian magazine Maclean's.
An article on Indian maritime policy by Seema Sirohi, a Washington-based journalist and regular contributor to Gateway House, was republished by Quartz.
An article by Amit Bhandari, Fellow, Energy and Environment Studies, Gateway House, on Chinese and Indian oil investment was republished by Swarajya Magazine.
Akshay Mathur, Director, Research and Analysis, and Fellow, Geoeconomics Studies, Gateway House was interviewed by CCTV and involved in panel discussions on the G20 Summit.
Sameer Patil, Fellow, National Security, Ethnic Conflict, and Terrorism, and Rajni Bakshi, Gandhi Peace Fellow, Gateway House, were referenced in an article on China's One Belt One Road initiative in the Lowy Interpreter.
Sameer Patil, Fellow, National Security, Ethnic Conflict, and Terrorism, was referenced in an article on India-U.S. relations published by the Turkish Anadolu Agency.
Anatolia News Agency reported on Serdar Çam's response to the article written by Vice Admiral Anil Chopra, Distinguished Fellow, International Security and Maritime Studies, Gateway House on Turkey.
Ambassador Rajiv Bhatia, Distinguished Fellow, Foreign Policy Studies Programme, Gateway House wrote an article for Hindustan Times on Aung San Suu Kyi's recent visit to China.
An article by Ambassador Rajiv Bhatia, Distinguished Fellow, Foreign Policy Studies Programme, Gateway House was republished by Swarajya magazine.
Sameer Patil, Fellow, National Security, Ethnic Conflict, and Terrorism Studies, Gateway House, was interviewed and quoted by FirstPost for an article on Balochistan and the India-Pakistan relationship.