Rajni Bakshi on the unrest in Gujarat
Rajni Bakshi, Senior Gandhi Peace Fellow, Gateway House, comments on issues of caste in India, following Hardik Patel's agitation in Gujarat.
Rajni Bakshi, Senior Gandhi Peace Fellow, Gateway House, comments on issues of caste in India, following Hardik Patel's agitation in Gujarat.
Sameer Patil, National Security Fellow, Gateway House was quoted by Benarnews on 'Cancelled Talks Cast Shadow Over India-Pakistan Relations'.
Neelam Deo, Director, Gateway House, comments on the cancellation of the NSA talks between India and Pakistan, on 22nd August, 2015.
Sameer Patil, National Security Fellow, Gateway House was quoted by Financial Times on his views on 'Chinese hackers target Indian institutions'.
Neelam Deo, Director, Gateway House was quoted by InSerbia Network Foundation, on her views on 'Outcome of Sri Lankan poll brings cheer to India'.
The nuclear deal with Iran benefits India and Pakistan in terms of energy security and connectivity. But both countries also face challenges in their prospective engagement with Tehran, and both will have to tread carefully while using the new opportunities.
Amit Bhandari, Energy and Environment Fellow, Gateway House, wrote an article on 'A plan for India’s energy independence', for Political Indian.
Sameer Patil, National Security Fellow, Gateway House was quoted by IANS on 'Resurgence of Kashmir militancy new challenge for security establishment.' The quote appeared in Yahoo! News, Business Standard, among others.
Rajrishi Singhal, Senior Geoeconomics Fellow, Gateway House, wrote an article on 'Shopping for inequity' for Outlook India.
Rajendra Abhyankar, Columnist, Gateway House, wrote an article on 'Reassessing our Israel, Arab engagement' for The Political Indian.