42940789854_28539c18e5_o Courtesy: ndtv.com
31 January 2019

Getting back on track

President Cyril Ramaphosa’s visit to India helped further strengthen bilateral ties. The presence of a South African president at the Republic Day parade was especially pertinent, as this year is the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, a common hero to both countries

Digital Economy Courtesy: UNCTAD
27 January 2019

Why cyber security should be a G20 priority

The G20, which constitutes leading digital and industrial powers, has failed to pay enough attention to cyber security, particularly the security of critical financial infrastructure. In a rapidly digitising world, this is the right time for a G20 framework that will help ensure the cyber safety of banks, stock markets and payment systems.

Fintech_02-imarticus Courtesy: Imarticus
24 January 2019

Designing a global framework for fintech

A G20 discussion around fintech is needed because of the emergence of global technology giants as data intermediaries which are expanding into the financial services industry. This is resulting in regulatory risks and challenges. The panel on Fintech at the official Think20 Mumbai Roundtable, organised by Gateway House on 28 January 2019, could not be more timely