2017_10$largeimg11_Wednesday_2017_013201128 (1) Courtesy: The Tribune
18 April 2018

Punjab’s unshakable drug smuggling networks

Since 2017, the Punjab government has been cracking down on drug networks. The campaign has so far targeted small-time drug peddlers, but deep smuggling networks that cross international as well as state borders remain intact, posing a major national security threat

india africa Courtesy: Exim Bank of India
12 April 2018

An economic agenda for India-Africa ties

The India-Africa economic partnership lags some way behind the diplomatic reciprocity the two countries share. Africa has had a trade surplus with India in the past decade, but increasing two-way trade of goods and services across sectors calls for serious promotional measures and removal of non-tariff barriers. The government, Indian business and their African partners need to devise an action plan that can take trade to $100 billion and investment to $75 billion by 2022

abe kim Courtesy: View.mn
10 April 2018

Tokyo’s gameplan for Pyongyang

North Korea's overtures to its immediate strategic neighbours through a series of summits have excluded Japan, which has long regarded Pyongyang's nuclear weapons and missile development programmes a direct threat. It is reacting by reaching out to the U.S., North Korea and China