Sir Michael Fallon Courtesy: Gateway House
11 April 2017

Leaving the EU to capitalise on new partnerships

Gateway House, in collaboration with the British Deputy High Commission, hosted a roundtable discussion with Sir Michael Fallon, Secretary of State for Defence, United Kingdom. After the discussion, Gateway House interviewed the Minister about the potential for India-UK defence cooperation in dealing with traditional and cyber threats, and hybrid warfare.

G20Insight_Climate_Decentralized-consumer-driven-model Courtesy: Wikipedia
7 April 2017

A decentralized, consumer-driven model for the solar eco-system

The transition to renewable energy is hampered by the lack of suitable, affordable products and specialised financing for its infrastructure. This infographic, as part of a policy brief put forth by Gateway House, set to be tabled at the 2017 Hamburg G20 conference, outlines an ecosystem to overcome these hurdles

FA MarApr 2017 Courtesy: Foreign Affairs
6 April 2017

China’s Great Awakening

For decades, outsiders have thought of China as a country where religion and faith play marginal roles.

GH_Podcasts-Square-01 Courtesy:
4 April 2017

The New World Order | Episode 5, Rise of China: part two

China's strong economic foreign policy has created strong dependency chains around the world. This dependency has often resulted in major geopolitical gains both regionally and internationally. Join us as we discuss the impact that China has had in the South China Sea, Regional Organisations and the International Community. This is the concluding episode to a two-part special on the Rise of China.

Indian Trade Route Courtesy: Gateway House
4 April 2017

Diversifying India’s trade destinations

India’s global economic engagement, especially with the developing world, has increased in the last two decades, but trade with South Asia has remained low. It holds the potential for building greater productivity and more inclusive growth in India and the region