Sunday Guardian Courtesy: Sunday Guardian Live
2 October 2016

India will not soften stand on Indus treaty

Rajni Bakshi, Gandhi Peace Fellow, Democracy and Nation-Building Studies, Gateway House was quoted in an article by Sunday Guardian Live on India's stand on the Indus Water Treaty.

FA SeptOct 2016 Courtesy: Foreign Affairs
30 September 2016

How to Fix Brazil

Brazil has rarely had it so bad. The country’s economy has collapsed: since 2013, its unemployment rate has nearly doubled, to more than 11 percent, and last year its GDP shrank by 3.8 percent, the largest contraction in a quarter century.

russia pak military exercises Courtesy: Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation
29 September 2016

Russia’s zero sum games in Asia

Russia's decision to go ahead with joint military exercises with Pakistan is the latest move in Putin's flexible and pragmatic Asian foreign policy playbook. However, whether it will be worth having provoked Indian ire remains to be seen.

Россия. Владивосток. 3 сентября 2016. Президент РФ Владимир Путин во время пресс-конференции по итогам встречи с президентом Южной Кореи Пак Кын Хе на II Восточном экономическом форуме на территории Дальневосточного федерального университета (ДВФУ) на острове Русский. Дмитрий Серебряков/фотохост-агентство ТАСС|Russia’s President Vladimir Putin speaks at a news conference following talks with South Korea'''s President Park Geun-hye at the 2016 Eastern Economic Forum at Far Eastern Federal University on Russky Island, Vladivostok, Russia, on September 3, 2016.Dmitry Serebryakov/TASS Host Photo Agency Courtesy: Eastern Economic Forum
29 September 2016

Eastern Economic Forum: India misses out

The Second Eastern Economic Forum, held last month in Russia, could have been a time for India to forge stronger trade links, but the governments of both countries have to be more supportive before this can happen.

india spend logo Courtesy: India Spend
29 September 2016

The Global Cost Of India-Pak Nuclear War

A comment by Sameer Patil, Fellow, National Security, Ethnic Conflict and Terrorism Studies, Gateway House, on the cost of an Indo-Pak nuclear war was quoted in an article by India Spend.

great derangement Courtesy: Allen Lane
27 September 2016

The Great Derangement: Climate Change and the Unthinkable

An obsession with the narrow and the personal has prevented us from integrating climate change into the literature of our time. In his latest work, Amitav Ghosh forces us to confront the realities of ecological decay by examining how climate change is dealt with in fiction and in politics.