2903370723_e804987949_o Courtesy: Wikipedia
3 March 2016

WTO solar ruling: victim to victor

The WTO judgment on the India-U.S. dispute on solar panels shows how rules across different international regimes – climate change, trade and nuclear power – favor the countries which set those rules. India must deepen its participation in such multilateral fora to protect its interests.

TPP Courtesy: ustr.gov
3 March 2016

A fine line: TPP and India

The Trans-Pacific Partnership has dropped strong Intellectual Property Rights regulations on India’s doorstep. The implications of these regulations could affect India’s own policies, as well as her global aspirations towards the potential Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership.

Hanle_by_Navaneeth_Unnikrishnan Courtesy: Navaneeth Unnikrishnan / Wikipedia
3 March 2016

Is India equipped for big science?

A tectonic shift is occurring in the science landscape, wherein newly-developed nations are audaciously investing in frontier scientific research at par with developed nations. India is game to join this new wave of advancement, but its research-funding mechanisms are deficient. Can Indian philanthropy endow indigenous R&D?

Oil_pump_Bashneft Courtesy: Wikimedia
3 March 2016

Saudi-Russia oil production cap – can it work?

Saudi Arabia, Russia and other oil producers are trying to cap oil production to support prices. Such distortions are unlikely to work. India should be more concerned about the long term rise in oil prices due to falling investment in exploration and production – and should protect itself by acquiring oil and gas assets to cover its energy needs.