A giant step for Myanmar
Aung San Suu Kyi anchors new democratic government, but tough challenges remain
Aung San Suu Kyi anchors new democratic government, but tough challenges remain
Gateway House, Avid Learning and the U.S. Consulate hosted a discussion “The Sea & Civilization: This origins of a globalized world” on 30 March, 2016. The discussion led to a Firstpost feature.
Ambassador Rajiv Bhatia, Distinguished Fellow, Foreign Policy Studies, Gateway House wrote an article on Myanmar's new democratic government for the Times of India.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will end his tri-nation tour with a visit to Saudi Arabia. Ambassador Neelam Deo, Director, Gateway House, discusses the upcoming visit and the potential outcomes in the fields of energy, counter-terrorism and investments.
Rajrishi Singhal, Senior Geoeconomics Fellow at Gateway House was quoted on his views about Tata Steel's UK business sale announcement, on 1 April, 2016 by Agence France-Presse.
Statements by Donald Trump, the business magnate turned serious contender for the Oval Office, assert that he wants “good” political and economic deals for the U.S. - even if it means dismantling alliances, i.e. the geopolitical equivalents of Bretton Woods that underwrote the U.S .domination in Europe, Asia and Middle East for more than six decades. A new era could dawn.
In order to avoid the next economic downturn, bold action needs to be taken by the world's central bankers and policymakers.
India has hosted a plethora of India-Africa conferences, expressing commitment to deepen mutual cooperation. It is further expected that the president, vice president, and prime minister may visit Africa this year, to follow up actively. Indeed, a senior official predicts Africa will even become “the diplomatic flavour in 2016”. An analysis.
“Changing Countours” outlines the changing contours of a newly democratic Myanmar and prescribes the path for India to follow to foster closer links with its next-door neighbour.
Amit Bhandari and Kunal Kulkarni's article 'Move over solar; welcome, wind' was republished on the Political Indian.