Modi shaking hands with Xi Jinping Courtesy: MEA/Government of India
26 September 2014

India-China: resolving divergences

Situated between the Xi-Modi bonhomie and border intrusions lies the growing divergence between India and China on food security and climate change. Both sides must address these issues urgently

Digital Diplomacy
26 September 2014

Digital Diplomacy

This interview discusses the use of social media and digital platforms for diplomacy

livemint Courtesy:
26 September 2014

Transforming India-US relations

The newspaper Mint published an article written by Neelam Deo, Director, Gateway House, examining what steps India and the United States should take to transform the bilateral. The article was also carried online on Livemint

Social Media Week
25 September 2014

Social Media Week

Gateway House hosted a session for Social Media Week on the topic - Protests in the Age of Social Media. The speaker was Rajni Bakshi, Senior Gandhi Peace Fellow at Gateway House, who examined how the growing popularity of social media platforms has affected the outcome of protest movements worldwide and they are likely to evolve with the changing communication technologies in the digital age.

BBTV Courtesy:
25 September 2014

India Has Lot To Gain From U.S.: Gateway House

Manjeet Kripalani, Founder and Executive Director, Gateway House, was interviewed by Bloomberg India TV ahead of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to the United States, his first official visit after taking charge

Social Media week-HDB Courtesy: Gateway House
25 September 2014

Social Media Week: Digital Diplomacy

World leaders, diplomats and bureaucrats are trying to reconcile with social media's growing popularity and power, and ideating on ways to use it productively at the personal and professional level. Must diplomacy evolve to keep pace with the meteoric rise of social media and how has the discourse changed by the advent of social media?

TPI Courtesy:
25 September 2014

India-US partnership: $1 trillion by 2030

The Political Indian republished the article India-U.S partnership:$1 trillion by 2013 by Nish Acharya which puts forth an ambitious bilateral agenda ahead of PM Modi's visit to Washington DC for a meeting with U.S President Barack Obama

TPI Courtesy:
25 September 2014

Preparing for the Chinese-Indian century

The Political Indian republished the article Preparing for the Chinese Indian century written by Dr Kishore Mahbubani for the Gateway House website ahead of Chinese President Xi Jinping's first official visit to India