Hindu Bizline Courtesy:
23 September 2014

Time to put substance before style

A post-visit analysis of Chinese President Xi Jinping's first official trip to India by Rajrishi Singhal, Senior Geoeconomics Fellow, Gateway House, was published in the Hindu Businessline

BBTV Courtesy:
23 September 2014

China Wants To Invest In India Strategically

Rajrishi Singhal, Senior Geoeconomics Fellow, Gateway House, was interviewed by Bloomberg TV India on the road ahead for trade relations between India and China on the occasion of Chinese President X Jinping's first official visit to India

financial-times-logo Courtesy:
23 September 2014

China-India border stand-off overshadows Xi Jinping’s deals

Sameer Patil, Associate Fellow, National Security, Conflict and Terrorism was quoted in an article in The Financial Times on the implications of fresh border incursions into India by the Chinese Army during President Xi Jinping's first official visit to India

india china Courtesy: Wikipedia
23 September 2014

India-China: evolving geoeconomics

The trade deficit and border issues have usually overshadowed the public discourse between India and China. However, below this surface, bilateral business and financial engagement is growing. India will have to engage judiciously with China to ensure that the resulting geoeconomic benefits remain in our favour

madison Courtesy: daverugby83
21 September 2014

Indian Americans and the mother country

The sold-out rally at Madison Square Garden shows that PM Narendra Modi’s trip to the U.S. has generated incredible excitement among the Indian-origin diaspora. Will the educated and well-placed Indian American community be able to come together as a power group that influences the U.S. Congress and the White House to adopt pro-India policies?