Deccan Herald Courtesy: Deccan Herald
31 July 2014

India threatens to block WTO deal

Rajrishi Singhal, Senior Geoeconomics Fellow, Gateway House, was quoted in a Deccan Herald report on India's stand on the Trade Facilitation agreement to be signed at the WTO meet in Geneva

eurasia review Courtesy: Eurasia Review
31 July 2014

India-Nepal: a Himalayan opportunity– analysis

Eurasia Review, an independent journal and think tank, republished an article by Gateway House's Energy and Environment Fellow Amit Bhandari examining how the India-Bhutan relationship can be looked upon as a model for improving ties between India and Nepal

Sushma on Gaza Courtesy: Rajya Sabha TV
30 July 2014

A confusing stand on Gaza

Historically, India has supported the Palestinian cause but today, shares strong diplomatic relations with both West Bank and Tel Aviv. India's vote at the UNHRC has provoked much debate within the country as it marks a distinct shift in the government's stand from a few weeks ago when it was reluctant to even discuss the Gaza crisis in Parliament

PennyPritzker Courtesy: Commerce department\US govt
30 July 2014

Pritzker: pragmatic dealmaker?

Penny Pritzker, U.S. commerce secretary is the new element in the India-U.S. bilateral dialogue. Her business skills have brought a shine to her ministry at home and perhaps she can have the same effect in Delhi

BRICS leaders at summit_210x140 Courtesy: MEA/Government of India
30 July 2014

Realising the potential of the BRICS

Looking back at the 2008 financial crisis, when governments had to resort to bail-outs to keep economies afloat, the BRICS member countries have decided to set up a New Development Bank which will provide for a contingency fund. This initiative aims at building an alternate financial structure in terms of trade among the member states as well as creating a safety net