US_Flag_Backlit Courtesy: Jnn13/Wikimedia Commons
9 July 2014

Awaiting an American ambassador

The U.S. has not yet appointed a new ambassador to India. But this absence of urgency is less a ‘signal’ to India and more a result of factors such as a backlog of appointments awaiting approval in the Senate and candidates unwilling to accept the post only for the remaining period of the Obama administration

power Courtesy: Wikimedia Commons
9 July 2014

Power sector needs sweeping reforms

The World Bank report highlighting the need for far-reaching reforms in the power sector underlines the necessity for the centre and state governments to arrive at a political consensus. The model of cooperative federalism advocated by Prime Minister Modi has the potential to transform the electricity scenario

brics Courtesy: wikimedia/commons
4 July 2014

Mandate for BRICS Bank

Brazil is all set to host the 6th BRICS Summit from July 15. In light of the fact that most developing nations have concerns over the pro-western bent of the World Bank and the IMF, the BRICS initiative of setting up of a Development Bank needs to gain momentum and the nations should finalise the mandate on a priority basis

ISIS Courtesy:
4 July 2014

Wahhabi designs on India

Indian security establishments are closely monitoring developments in West Asia in the wake of the recent threat against India by the Islamic State and the Al-Qaeda. While the possibility of terror violence cannot be ruled out, careful attention needs to be given to the attempts to spread Wahhabi ideology in India

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4 July 2014

Hackers Find Open Back Door to Power Grid With Renewables

Sameer Patil, Associate Fellow, National Security, Gateway House, was interviewed by Bloomberg Business Week about the vulnerabilites associated with the introduction of new softwares

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3 July 2014

Where journalism is a crime

The recent sentences handed out to three Al Jazeera journalists show how far Egypt has moved away from the democratic ideals of the Tahrir Square protests. Egypt now shares space with North Korea, Cuba, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea and Iran in Freedom House’s 2014 report

Outlook: Kurdistan and Iraq
2 July 2014

Outlook: Kurdistan and Iraq

Neelam Deo, Director, Gateway House, outlines why this is a historic opportunity for a united Kurdistan, whether the ISIS violence will spread to other countries in the region, and provides an outlook into India's and the international interests in the region.