Operation Mountain Fire Courtesy: Staff Sgt. Christopher Allison/Wikimedia Commons
30 March 2014

Afghanistan: At a turning point

The presidential election is vital not only for Afghanistan’s future but also for the stability of the region. The ensuing race has thrown up candidates from various ethnicities and they face an uphill task with a resurgent Taliban and a former President who still hopes to be a force in the political arena

indchin Courtesy: dannyman/Flickr
27 March 2014

War report under wraps

Down the decades, every government has shown reluctance to declassify the contents of the Henderson Brooks Report, preventing a deeper analysis of what went wrong during the 1962 India-China war. In the absence of this, the key findings of this report remain shrouded in secrecy

BRICS versus the G8?
27 March 2014

BRICS versus the G8?

A new equation is emerging between the BRICS countries and the informal grouping of the most industrialized economies, called the G8. The G8 has been reduced to G7 following Russia’s suspension. Of late, BRICS have taken an assertive stand against the G8 in economic as well as the geo-political fora

southasiafinal Courtesy: User:Deepak/Wikimedia Commons
27 March 2014

‘Ties with neighbours is priority’

Historically, foreign policy has rarely played a decisive role in the Indian elections although issues like the nuclear deal with the U.S. have led to domestic storms. In this interview Neelam Deo, Director, Gateway House, explains why foreign policy has only occasionally been a key factor in the elections

The Guardian Courtesy: The Guardian
26 March 2014

Alleged Indian Mujahideen chief arrested on border with Nepal

The Guardian newspaper spoke to Sameer Patil, Associate Fellow, National Security, Ethnic Conflict & Terrorism studies, Gateway House on the detention of Tehseen Akhtar from the Indo-Nepal border who is said to be the leader of the Indian Mujahideen terrorist network.

Lessons from the Henderson Brooks report
26 March 2014

Lessons from the Henderson Brooks report

The classified Henderson Brooks report on the India-China War is still relevant for India, considering China's renewed aggression at the Line of Actual Control. The findings highlight the need to re-think our muddled China policy and coordination among the political, bureaucratic and military establishments.

Decoding natural gas pricing in India
26 March 2014

Decoding natural gas pricing in India

The issue of gas pricing is in the public discourse after the Aam Aadmi Party questioned the logic of linking domestic prices to global rates. In the absence of a single global marker price, it is time India, and other large importing countries in Asia, develop a pricing mechanism that reflects regional realities.

Nuclear Security Summit 2014
26 March 2014

Nuclear Security Summit 2014

The Nuclear Security Summit was first held in 2010 with the goal of raising awareness about the need to tighten control of nuclear material. The agenda of the Nuclear Security Summit in 2014 is to work towards the establishment of tight controls over nuclear materials, seek greater transparency on national measures to enhance nuclear security, ask more countries to join international agreements on the physical protection of nuclear material, reduce the use of highly enriched uranium (HEU) and plutonium in national nuclear programmes and strengthen the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).