TPI 2 Courtesy: The Political Indian
31 January 2014

Shinzo Abe in India: Alignment assured

The Political Indian republished an article by Neelam Deo, Co-founder and Director, Gateway House for the Gateway House website. The article talks about how India and Japan's growing closeness is in response to China's growing aggression

aseanindia Courtesy: Prime Minister's Office
31 January 2014

India-ASEAN’s elusive services FTA

The India-ASEAN Free Trade Agreement in services and trade will allow India to leverage its competitive offerings in IT, finance, among other fields. But the pact has proved elusive so far due to the open squabbling between ministries. The deal now looks set to come through only after the new government takes over

SONY DSC Courtesy: Arsen.Shnurkov/Wikimedia Commons
31 January 2014

African Union: accelerating agriculture

At the just-concluded African Union Summit in Ethiopia, speakers discussed the urgent need to focus on agriculture – which remains central to the African economies – by increasing investments and productivity. The summit was a time for reflection on the state of a sector that can transform the continent

nam Courtesy: New America Foundation
31 January 2014

Is Brazil Ready For Prime Time?

The New America Foundation quoted Ambassador R. Viswanathan, Distinguished Fellow, Latin America Studies, Gateway House, in a debate on the role Brazil is likely to play on the world stage

HBL final Courtesy: Hindu BusinessLine
31 January 2014

Time we pushed Asean pact on services

The Hindu BusinessLine published an article by Rajrishi Singhal, Senior Geoeconomics Fellow at Gateway House on the urgent need to push for an Asean pact on trade in services and investment

saarcbusinessleaders Courtesy: Press Information Bureau
30 January 2014

SAARC: dawdling but optimistic

With intra-regional trade at a low 4.23%, South Asia is the ‘least integrated region in the world.’ At the recent fifth SAARC Conclave in New Delhi, officials spoke about the need for better integration. But this is only possible if problems such as political differences and inadequate connectivity are addressed

kejriwal-1 Courtesy: vm2827 / Flickr
28 January 2014

Decoding anarchism and swaraj

By calling himself an anarchist, Arvind Kejriwal has started a debate among supporters who equate anarchy with a potential breakdown of law and order. But anarchist philosophers believe that the basis of society is self-governing individuals and not a dominating ruler – an idea similar to Mahatma Gandhi’s ‘swaraj’

ddglobal2 Courtesy: Prasar Bharati
24 January 2014

Taking Doordarshan global

News channels like China’s CCTV, Russia Today and Al-Jazeera have become definitive voices for their nations and for international views. It is the right time for Doordarshan, a late entrant to electronic media-driven influence, to showcase India’s growing global ties and the success of its democracy to the world

indjap2 Courtesy: Ministry of External Affairs, India
24 January 2014

India-Japan: Alignment assured

Japan’s reaching out to India, as demonstrated by the upcoming visit of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, reflects the urgency with which Japan sees the threat of a rising China. India too has experienced Chinese aggression and must work with other democracies towards creating a multi-polar Asia

tpp Courtesy: Gobierno de Chile/Wikimedia Commons
24 January 2014

India and the TPP: Wait and watch?

Can India integrate more fully into the global economy and energise its trade by joining the Trans-Pacific Partnership? Or will negotiating an entry require significant concessions, not necessarily in India’s interests? These outcomes will depend on how TPP framework itself develops – inclusively or exclusively