The Times of India logo Courtesy: The Times of India
24 July 2013

Public policy push at IIM-Ahmedabad

The Times of India mentioned Gateway House Director Ambassador Neelam Deo in its article on a public policy event conducted in IIM Ahmedabad. Neelam was the chief panelist of the symposium 'A Masterclass on Geopolitics and Your Business' which looked at the outlook of corporate India on business possibilities outside India.

modi Courtesy: World Economic Forum/Flickr
23 July 2013

Narendra Modi and the issue of prime ministership

Modi’s popularity within the business community has been based on the perception of his ability for good governance. However, instead of engaging in the complexity of identity politics, business leaders can undertake actions that build immunity against communal tensions

biden MEA Courtesy: Ministry of External Affairs, India
23 July 2013

Biden’s political skills will be tested in India

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden’s visit to India this week comes at a time when the India-U.S. bilateral relationship has gone seemingly adrift. Can this visit, which comes just months ahead of the Indian general elections, rejuvenate the relationship which is rooted in long-term common strategic interests?

Live Mint_0 Courtesy: LIVEMINT
21 July 2013

Narendra Modi and the issue of prime ministership

Livemint published Gateway House's Fellow Rajni Bakshi's article on Narendra Modi and the issue of prime ministership. She argues that business leaders should build immunity against communal tensions instead of engaging in the complexity of identity politics.

merco press Courtesy: MercoPress - South Atlantic News Agency
20 July 2013

Lessons from India Jindal’s Bolivian investment failure

MercoPress - South Atlantic News Agency republished Ambassador R. Viswanathan's article on the failure of Jindal’s mining and steel project in Bolivia. Ambassador opines that a foreign investment plan should always be corroborated with a proper political risk analysis to ascertain the understanding of local politics and culture.

bhutan Courtesy: MEAphotogallery/ Flickr
19 July 2013

India-Bhutan: Winning friendship

The opposition People’s Democratic Party in Bhutan won the National Assembly elections held on July 13 taking another large step towards democracy. However, India became the unwitting subject of campaign discourse after the government abruptly halted fuel subsidies to the country

bolivia Courtesy: Alain Bachellier & WEF/Flickr
19 July 2013

Lessons from Jindal’s Bolivian failure

Jindal’s integrated mining and steel project in Bolivia was the largest contract secured by an Indian company in Latin America. The project, which ultimately became a victim of the country's domestic politics, has lessons for Indian companies venturing into Latin America

Policy Perspectives
greenenergyfutures Courtesy: greenenergyfutures/Flickr
19 July 2013

Shale gas: Negotiating new energy, export finance and environmental equations

Policy Perspectives from Gateway House give an overview of a global issue that has implications for India’s policy-making and business community. This edition examines the implications of shale gas for India's energy scenario

troops Courtesy: Senior Airman Sean Martin, U.S. Air Force/Wikimedia Commons
19 July 2013

Kabul Diary: Implications of the ‘zero option’

Kabul Diary is a compilation of experiences and observations by Gateway House’s Rajeshwari Krishnamurthy, who is visiting Afghanistan. In her fourth entry, she writes about the possible consequences for the country and its neighbours if the U.S. completely withdraws its troops in 2014

egypt Courtesy: oxfamnovib/Flickr
18 July 2013

Protests in democracies – patterns and problems

Elections are meant to be a suitable recourse in democracies if citizens feel that the government does not represent them. However, the recent protests in Brazil, Turkey and India show that people feel political classes are too far removed from their every day realities to address their grievances