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17 October 2019

Bangladesh, India’s exemplary neighbour

Bangladesh prime minister Sheikh Hasina’s visit to India earlier this month, resulting in seven new agreements, showed the strength of the mutual relationship. But both governments need to address some rankling issues: the sharing of the Teesta waters, the Rohingya problem and repatriation of the illegal people from Assam

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16 October 2019

Powering hydrogen mobility for India

Decarbonising the transportation sector is an environmental priority globally, and hydrogen, the cleanest and most plentiful of fuels, is central to achieving this goal. If hydrogen mobility is actively pursued, India’s large reserves of gas hydrates and shale gas can be tapped for commercial use. Such a shift in choice of fuel will also ensure India’s energy security

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10 October 2019

Modi-Xi Take 2: a holding operation

The second informal summit between Prime Minister Modi and President Xi Jinping in Mamallapuram on October 11 is likely to be more a holding operation than an occasion for increasing convergence of perspectives on regional and global issues. Neelam Deo, Director of Gateway House, answers a few questions on the eve of the Chinese president’s visit