15-Patel-Prakash Courtesy:
5 December 2024

Applying a multi-sector analysis to financing forced displacement response

Conversations on forced displacement in many cases still centre on the climate versus conflict dichotomy, but multiple factors including social inequality, poor infrastructure and weak governance, often combine as triggers for displacement. A more analytical approach to financing forced displacement response is necessary to enable humanitarian actors to work more effectively in the allocation of resource and disaster preparedness.

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7 November 2024

India-Indonesia: Companion Souls in a New Era

India and Indonesia have a comprehensive strategic relationship built on their ancient and modern histories, and a flourishing relationship sustained by trade, economic exchange and people-to-people contact. The India-Indonesia Track 1.5 Dialogue, hosted by Gateway House and the Centre for Strategic and International Studies, Indonesia, aims to provide policy recommendations to promote innovation and navigate evolving governance issues through bilateral and multilateral cooperation.

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1 August 2024

China in South Asia

China and India both give great importance to their neighbours – the former through its Friendly Neighbourhood policy, the latter through Neighbourhood First. Although China has been increasing its influence in the region, narratives that say that India is losing out to China lack in-depth analysis. To deduce the future trajectory of China in South Asia, it is important to study both China’s and India’s relations with each of these countries, as also with each other.

SriLankaCrisis Courtesy: Business Standard
9 May 2024

Sovereign default and economic crisis in Sri Lanka

In April 2022, Sri Lanka defaulted on its foreign debts kicking off its worst economic downturn in over 70 years. In a paper for the Institute of South Asian Studies, Ganeshan Wignaraja examines key policy, the benefits of IMF support, and the role that Indian aid has played in Sri Lanka’s recovery while emphasising potential risks of its upcoming presidential and parliamentary elections.

The_Future_of_Digital_Public_Infrastructure-_A_Thesis_for_Rapid_Global_Adoption Courtesy: Carnegie India
28 March 2024

Synergising DPI and digital commons

Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI) and digital commons have the potential to accelerate achievement of the sustainable development goals. Both India and the European Union recognise this: India is a pioneer in DPI, while the concept of digital commons is gaining better attention within the EU. The partners must now work towards a joint understanding of the core principles that govern digital resources.

Report Photo Courtesy: Körber-Stiftung
18 March 2024

Listening Beyond the Echo Chamber: Emerging Middle Powers Report

Divergent global reactions to major crises such as those sparked by the war in Ukraine and NATO’s Afghanistan withdrawal have widened the chasm between Western countries and emerging middle powers. This survey, conducted among nearly 1,000 experts from India, Brazil, South Africa and Germany, examines key foreign policy priorities in these countries, and reveals that despite differences, dialogue is possible.

india's g20 hbs Courtesy: Heinrich-Boll-Stiftung
14 December 2023

India’s G20 Presidency: Policy Prescription to Impact

India’s G20 presidency was effective in insulating the forum from geopolitical turbulence and placing the spotlight on the Global South. Although the G20 stands strengthened today due to India’s creative and forward-looking presidency, member nations confronting inter-state contestations, domestic elections and concurrent economic crises in the coming year will have to muster the political will to ensure a sustained commitment to the grouping's promises.

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30 November 2023

Leveraging IBSA for the G20 Troika Presidencies

On December 1, 2023, India will hand over the G20 Presidency to Brazil. The G20 troika will now comprise the three IBSA countries – India, Brazil, South Africa – till November 2025. This trio has an agenda in common and with the G20, such as multilateral reform, energy transitions and digitalisation. IBSA should use its mechanisms and natural solidarity to advance the interests of the Global South.

work visas paper Courtesy: Gateway House
2 November 2023

Internationalising Indian Education: Work Visas for Foreign Students

Indian companies are internationalising, and so should Indian education. The National Education Policy of 2020 recommends a series of policy initiatives and reforms in higher education institutes to attract foreign students to India. But making India an attractive destination for foreign students hinges on offering them the opportunity to work in the country too. Our new report shows how an expanded provision of work visas for foreign students is a progressive and natural extension of the NEP, enabling Indian campuses to internationalise, make India a global education hub and strengthen its international academic and corporate networks.

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12 October 2023

Private Innovation in Digital Public Infrastructure

Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI) in India has encouraged innovation, resulting in accelerated economic growth and efficient delivery of government services, all whilst maintaining digital sovereignty. Further success depends on developing international standardisation and interoperability. As a DPI pioneer, India can use its position to create a repository of best practices and encourage collaboration for global digital governance standards.