Deconstructing the Muslim Brotherhood manifesto
28 June 2012

Deconstructing the Muslim Brotherhood manifesto

The Muslim Brotherhood tries to project itself as holding moderate and liberal economic and social policies in its Nahada Manifesto. Although it claims to support the establishment of a liberal market economy with a business friendly climate, the document is rich in generalizations and short on specifics.

piracy piece Courtesy:
27 June 2012

Piracy: A dangerous eco-system

The concern with piracy is in our waters is three-fold: the threat to Indian-owned vessels and Indian citizens; the difficulty in dealing with piracy and hostage-taking on the high seas; and finally, squeezing the organized industry. Can India play a leadership role in this effort?

Courtesy: Flickr/RamyRaoof
25 June 2012

Egypt remains the key

The presidency of Mohamed Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood's candidate, will have a defining influence both in Egypt and the region. Having won the battle through the ballot though, will Muslim Brotherhood also be willing to cede power through the ballot?

ambassador abhyankar interview Courtesy: Gateway House
8 June 2012

“We are not in the business of ‘civilizing’ nations”

Over the past year, there has been a drastic change in the political scenario in Syria, which is now engulfed with violent sectarian conflict. Gateway House speaks to former Indian Ambassador to Syria, Rajendra Abhyankar, about the changing political scenario and the implications of the ongoing conflict in Syria.

Can BRICS swaps save the rupee copy Courtesy: Flickr/t3rmin4t0r
1 June 2012

The case for BRICS swaps

Banks around the globe would be wise to take a second look at what now could be the most significant agreement in international finance since the Euro: the BRICS currency swap. Though certain geopolitical risks are involved, could this free India from unpredictable currency fluctuations?

anoop singh interview Courtesy: Gateway House
11 May 2012

IMF interview: How the European crisis will affect India

As India’s growth slows, it becomes increasingly important to enact reforms so it can return to its intended growth rate of 9%. Gateway House’s Hari Seshasayee interviews Anoop Singh, Director of Asia and Pacific at the IMF, to discuss the impact of the Euro zone crisis on India and the way forward for Asia.

Myanmar Sanctions Courtesy: Wikimedia Commons/Htoo Tay Zar
1 May 2012

Sanctions on Myanmar: Have they worked?

The West is quick to claim that their sanctions against Myanmar have forced the government to implement political and economic reforms in the country. However, such bans do not usually achieve their stated purpose of forcing regimes to change their behavior.

5825395379_5d725a53f4_z Courtesy: Flickr/freeedomania
21 April 2012

UN: a return to ‘mandated colonialism’

By forcing regime change in Libya, and attempting the same in Syria, and by promiscuously arming disparate groups of Wahabbis and Salafists to achieve this aim, NATO is creating more room for instability in the region. What Syria needs is engagement, not isolation; it needs dialogue and not the arming of rebels.

Courtesy: IAEA Imagebank
9 April 2012

Iran: An opportunity for BRICS

The scope for any process on nuclear talks with Iran to founder on distrust, misunderstanding and political in-fighting in both Tehran and Washington remains formidable. Equally disturbing are the wider political realities. Can the upcoming talks in Istanbul launch a process that can, over time, lead to agreement?

martin wolf cfr Courtesy: World Economic Forum/Flickr
30 March 2012

Does the BRICS Group Matter?

The emerging BRICS economies agree that the West should hold less sway in the global economy. But their leaders, despite regular summits, have failed to articulate a coherent vision because of divergent interests, says journalist Martin Wolf.