brics bailing out europe piece Courtesy:
23 September 2011

BRICS bail-out of Europe: A far cry

In a reversal of historical roles, the BRICS nations may be coming to Europe’s rescue. During the Asian Financial Crisis, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) introduced structural adjustments in return for IMF loans, and many institutions and individuals went bankrupt. Will it be any different now?

US-India: Strategic Partners with a Limitless Future
15 September 2011

US-India: Strategic Partners with a Limitless Future

India and the United States have grown close very quickly over the last decade. Their commitment towards the war on terror, pursuit of joint energy security, and the prevention of the proliferation of nuclear weaponry are some on a long list of common goals.

protest pic rajni's artcile by mission against corruption Courtesy: MissionAgainstCorruption/WikimediaCommons
14 September 2011

India’s democracy: Evolution, not Revolution

While India's anti-corruption upsurge lends further intensity to a global restlessness about the future of democracy, it also raises a significant question: What are the values that will foster a truly democratic culture? The answer will determine whether the on-going agitation will succeed in combating corruption

sarah chayes article Courtesy: U.S.ArmedForces/WikimediaCommons
13 September 2011

Mafia-nation: State capture by criminal syndicates

Corruption has become a galling global phenomenon: structured, vertically-integrated networks, whose objective is the extraction of resources, are forming in countries around the globe. And strikingly, these structures are masquerading as democratically-elected, seemingly-open governments.

Copy of 9,11 global event pic_210x140 india Courtesy: WTCTributeinLight/WikimediaCommons
11 September 2011

Arab Spring to Wahabbi winter

A change has come about after 9/11: the ideologies grouped as “Al Qaeda” has morphed, from a group directed by a few individuals, it is now disaggregated. Due to this change, NATO is empowering it's future foes in the Arab world by its continued belief in the camouflaged jihadis.

9,11 neelam akshay piece_210x140 Courtesy: Scott Hudson/Flickr
10 September 2011

9/11: India, still waiting for peace

India's security concerns seem to grow weaker by the year. The dangerous political polarity, a paralysed ruling coalition, a fractured opposition, a popular distaste for a corrupt polity and complicit bureaucracy, and a slowing economy, has handicapped any progress towards this issue.

bangaldesh trip piece Courtesy: PMO
9 September 2011

India-Bangladesh: Like U.S.-Canada? Someday, maybe.

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s visit to Dhaka was, by and large, a success; but poor internal coordination hampered the greater possibilities of the visit. India and Bangladesh can now explore new prospects, on maritime issues, oil and gas and environmental concerns in the Sundarbans.