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28 June 2017

Modi-Trump: starting strong

The India-U.S. strategic partnership endures even in the current state of flux, with the joint statement that President Trump and Prime Minister Narendra Modi issued holding the seeds of greater cooperation. The statement is sharper on Pakistan and China and softer on contentious bilateral issues

Arial_View_Flora_Fountain_Bombay Courtesy: Wonderful Mumbai
22 June 2017

Heritage on the brand wagon

One of the conclusions drawn from a recent panel discussion, co-hosted by Gateway House and Avid Learning, on how brands are helping promote heritage conservation, moderated by Sifra Lentin, Mumbai History Fellow, was that there is an urgent need to preserve Mumbai’s natural and built heritage to meet the Maharashtra government’s target--the year 2020--for inaugurating the international financial centre at Bandra-Kurla Complex. Here is a summary of the concerns that the panellists raised

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9 June 2017

Deciphering India’s GDP math

Provisional data on India’s GDP for the fourth quarter of 2016-17, released at the end of last month, suggests that the economy is not shining, a condition that has been in the making much prior to the government’s demonetisation exercise: it’s private capital formation that is absent. This must rouse the policy makers to action.

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6 June 2017

A Modi-Sharif meet likely in Astana?

The 17th Summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation is being held in Astana this week at which Prime Ministers Narendra Modi and Nawaz Sharif will be present. But no meeting is likely to take place between them--and even if it does, it will not advance peace between the two countries

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31 May 2017

Trump: blunt to NATO, cosy with Saudis

Trump’s first foreign visit to West Asia and Europe brought home what the president means by “America First” even as he stands accused of committing two major foreign policy transgressions