field woman Courtesy: Wendy North/Flickr
30 August 2013

Economic democracy, food security & CSR

Recently, the Indian Parliament passed two key legislations - the Companies Bill and the Food Security Bill. How will these seemingly unconnected legislations together empower technologies and business models that pose serious challenges to building a market economy that’s in sync with democratic aspirations?

maliki manmohan MEA Courtesy: Ministry of External Affairs, India
29 August 2013

Maliki’s visit lays ambitious goals

After Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s recent visit to India, cooperation in the energy sector could become the cornerstone of the bilateral relationship. A lot depends on India’s response to the opportunities offered by Iraq, and on how India triangulates its foreign policy with Iraq, Iran and Saudi Arabia

space by Benison P Baby Wikimediacommons Courtesy: Benison P Baby/WikimediaCommons
29 August 2013

India is sitting on a space goldmine

Indian companies are pursuing defence offsets and commercial aviation products, but bypassing the global space economy. To build on this market requires New Delhi to overhaul its space policy, ISRO to amend its policy on contracts, and Indian industry to share the risk and investment

manmohanchidammontek Courtesy: WikimediaCommons
26 August 2013

Dreams out, reality in

The economic mismanagement by the ruling UPA in the past few years – by putting politics and polls ahead of economy and prosperity, and slavish obedience to political masters – has created an environment of crisis and desperation in India. Where did the country’s so-called economic ‘dream team’ go wrong?

niyamgiri Rita Willaert flickr Courtesy: Rita Willaert/Flickr
23 August 2013

Fair business, fair growth

While the rejection by Odisha’s Gram Sabhas of mining projects in the state indicates the triumph of direct democracy, concerns that international investors will shun India due to the fear of unfavourable conditions are rife. How can we work towards both greater democracy and mining projects necessary for growth?

Asia-Briefing_0 Courtesy: Asia Briefing
22 August 2013

India and China’s Retail Industries Compared

China ranks fourth globally for retail development, while India’s retail development ranking fell nine spots from the 2012 GRDI to 14th overall after experiencing backlash from the global economic slowdown. A comparison of India and China’s retail sectors reveals some lessons for retailers in both markets.

india-briefing-img. Courtesy: India Briefing
22 August 2013

The Falling Rupee Ushers in India as a Global Trade Dynamo

The U.S. economy is recovering, and the dollar strengthening, the lack of which has been behind much of the Global Financial Crisis over the past four years, and one that is largely responsible for the slowdown in China’s manufacturing. This is not a crisis, it’s a rebalancing, and the same is true for India.

Mossadegh by Harry S. Truman Library and Museum - WikimediaCommons Courtesy: Harry S. Truman Library and Museum/ Wikimedia Commons
19 August 2013

Badi Soch: Behind the CIA-Iran revelations

This daily column includes Gateway House’s Badi Soch – big thought – of the day’s foreign policy events. This Badi Soch deliberates on the timing of the CIA’s admission of involvement in overthrowing Iran’s Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh in 1953 and the implications of this disclosure