Courtesy: Flickr/ccqatar
3 May 2012

Qatar: Geopolitical Cosmopolitanism

Over the last few years Qatar has actively participated in world affairs by holding the Presidency of multilateral organizations, hosting international institutions and investing significantly in foreign markets. What does Qatar hope to achieve from its rising profile and its growing role in international affairs?

Myanmar Sanctions Courtesy: Wikimedia Commons/Htoo Tay Zar
1 May 2012

Sanctions on Myanmar: Have they worked?

The West is quick to claim that their sanctions against Myanmar have forced the government to implement political and economic reforms in the country. However, such bans do not usually achieve their stated purpose of forcing regimes to change their behavior.

U.S.-Afghanistan agreement: A welcome start Courtesy: U.S. Department of Defense
27 April 2012

U.S.-Afghanistan agreement: A welcome start

An important take-away from the preliminary pact reached by Kabul and Washington is that unlike the 1990s, the Americans are not just packing their bags and leaving. This is good news in terms of regional stability, and the upcoming NATO summit may answer some questions this draft agreement raises.

bahrain piece neelam Courtesy: LGEPR
24 April 2012

The Bahrain formula

With turmoil in the Middle East, a drawdown in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Iran-Israel-U.S. conflict, the international community has paid little attention to the democracy of a small group of people - the Bahrainis. More worrisome, however, is that politics now responds to the elite.