India-Pakistan Business first Courtesy: WikimediaCommons/Flickr
5 April 2013

India-Pakistan: Business first

The road to reconciliation between India and Pakistan is likely to be a long and treacherous one. But perhaps economic compulsions can overtake political ones. That is the hope in Karachi, whose business community has started to make its journey across the border to India.

obama israel Courtesy: The White House
2 April 2013

Obama: Still equivocating on Palestine

During his visit to Israel, U.S. President Barack Obama spoke in favour of both the Israelis’ right to security and the Palestinians’ right to sovereignty. The issue of settlements, however, remains unresolved and it is unlikely that Israel will make concessions when its neighbours are in turmoil.

Commentary: A BRICS bank for the South
30 March 2013

Commentary: A BRICS bank for the South

In 1990, the erstwhile South Commission recommended the creation of a 'South Bank' to aid the economic emancipation of the global South. Can the BRICS bank, which was discussed in length at the 5th BRICS Summit, provide a solution to the problems of the crisis-ridden African continent? Devaki Jain blogs

Ministry Of External Affairs, India Courtesy: Ministry Of External Affairs, India
29 March 2013

Beijing banks on BRICS

Indian foreign policy has not yet addressed the ramifications of Chinese economic dominance in BRICS. Nor have we matched China’s engagement within the group to ensure that the BRICS vision of a new international order for emerging economies actually works in their favour.

Ministry Of External Affairs, India Courtesy: Ministry Of External Affairs, India
29 March 2013

India-Myanmar: a balance of interests

As a neighbour, India has legitimate interests in Myanmar, especially for peace and progress in its North East. More recently though, the Myanmarese are looking to imbibe democratic values from India, learn about regulations, banking systems, commodities exchanges, media councils, software and telecom skills

Asia-Briefing_0 Courtesy: Asia Briefing
26 March 2013

The Emergence of Vietnam and India as China Alternatives

As China’s working population ages and becomes more expensive, locations such as Vietnam and India become competitive manufacturing alternatives for export driven businesses. What are the various factors to be considered by foreign investors while investing in India and Vietnam?

BRICS flags Courtesy: Government/ZA/Flickr
26 March 2013

A mandate for BRICS Bank

At the 5th BRICS Summit that begins in South Africa today, the heads of state of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa are expected to ratify the creation of the BRICS Bank. After discussion and study for over a year by the respective governments, the bank will be launched with seed money estimated at between $50 billion to $100 billion, and most likely an equal share of voting rights for the management of the bank. What remains