australia-uranium-mine Courtesy:
4 September 2014

India-Australia nuclear deal: a pivot point

This week Prime Minister Modi will meet his Australian counterpart Tony Abbott for the second time in two months. New Delhi and Canberra have already signed a civil nuclear deal which will supply much needed uranium to India’s reactors and remove a big thorn in the relationship between the two nations. The deal is the pivot to take the bilateral forward

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20 August 2014

Australia in the dock

Like European countries, Australia too has seen an influx of asylum seekers over the last decade. However, domestic political compulsions have seen the new Australian government send back the refugees to their turmoil ridden countries. Considering international law and its responsibilities Canberra needs to revisit its refugee policy

southblock Courtesy: rajkumari1220/Flickr
18 April 2014

Circles & Corridors of Economic Diplomacy

India’s political and economic future will be determined over the next few weeks. Gateway House recommends a priority diplomacy agenda for the next government – one which puts economics at the heart of our foreign policy

RIMPAC Courtesy: Seaman James R. Evans/Wikimedia Commons
14 April 2014

Australia’s submarine choice

Australia is the second largest naval power among the Indian Ocean states and its submarine fleet represents its principal strategic force. Australia will be replacing its fleet with some of the largest and most capable conventional submarines in the world. Its decisions could hold important lessons for India

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7 March 2014

Decoding natural gas pricing in India

The issue of gas pricing is in the public discourse after the Aam Aadmi Party questioned the logic of linking domestic prices to global rates. In the absence of a single global marker price, it is time India, and other large importing countries in Asia, develop a pricing mechanism that reflects regional realities

milanspikecallusnavy Courtesy: Spike Call U.S Navy/Wikimedia Commons
21 February 2014

Shaping regional diplomacy

The Indian Navy, through multi-lateral exercises, is increasing its sphere of influence and becoming a regional force. Yet, it needs to be supported by policy decisions that enable it to achieve its potential as a state-of-the-art establishment and a powerful tool in India’s diplomatic repertoire

david2 Courtesy: Prachi Bidaye/Gateway House
12 February 2014

India-Australia: Deepening the bilateral

Gateway House interviews David Brewster, Visiting Fellow, Strategic & Defence Studies Centre, Australian National University, and Senior Visiting Fellow, Maritime Studies Programme, Gateway House, on his latest report, ‘The India-Australia Security Engagement: Opportunities and Challenges’

tpp Courtesy: Gobierno de Chile/Wikimedia Commons
24 January 2014

India and the TPP: Wait and watch?

Can India integrate more fully into the global economy and energise its trade by joining the Trans-Pacific Partnership? Or will negotiating an entry require significant concessions, not necessarily in India’s interests? These outcomes will depend on how TPP framework itself develops – inclusively or exclusively

Policy Perspectives
unnamed Courtesy: WikimediaCommons
23 December 2013

India’s strategic imperative in the South Pacific

Policy Perspectives from Gateway House give an overview of a global issue that has implications for India’s policy-making and business community. This edition examines the geoeconomic and geostrategic imperatives for expanding India’s engagement with the South Pacific