onions leliebloem flickr Courtesy: Dipayan Bhattacharjee/Flickr
14 August 2013

In search of economic liberalism in India

The reforms of the early 1990s did not bring economic freedom to a majority of the population. That explains a large proportion of the economic and social ills that affect India today. Why is economic life in India of the ‘Taliban type’? Why is illiberal thought still our guiding principle?

protests Courtesy: India Kangaroo/Flickr
14 August 2013

Reformulating the liberal agenda

India needs a new liberal party, which trusts markets rather than officials for economic outcomes, and focuses on reform of the institutions of governance. This new party must be accompanied by a recovery of the moral authority of our Constitution, and by individual engagement with everyday politics

education kiruba shankar flickr Courtesy: Kiruba Shankar/Flickr
14 August 2013

For a liberal India, liberate education

Education is the most in-demand commodity amongst both the rich and the poor in India. Yet, the state is unable to ride this wave to create a more liberal society. If education is the gateway to taking India’s liberal agenda forward, then educational institutions must be free to pursue their own paths

school Courtesy: Sebastian Baryli/ Flickr
14 August 2013

A new ecosystem of liberal principles

Inclusive growth means inclusive reforms and equity in economic freedom, which empowers the formal sector as well as the huge informal sector in India. In the social sector, the government must fund beneficiaries, while in the political domain the ‘ruled’ and the ‘rulers’ must be equal

bigbirdz flickr Courtesy: bigbirdz/Flickr
14 August 2013

Liberalism as enlightened capitalism

We cannot have the ‘cowboy capitalism’ that almost brought down the world financial system in 2008, or the abdication of accountability by government institutions. Instead, both the private sector and the government must equally do their parts to create an equitable India to sustain economic growth for generations

brazil2 Courtesy: Semilla Luz/Flickr
8 August 2013

Brazil: Why protests will persist

Though Brazil is a vibrant democracy, grievances over inadequate provision of public services and government overspending will not be resolved quickly due to the political disconnect with the needs of the people. Fernando Veloso blogs about the possible determinants and consequences of the protests