Chuck Kennedy wh_210x140 Courtesy: ChuckKennedy/WhiteHouse
18 January 2011

Hu Jintao in Washington

Chinese President Hu Jintao’s visit to the US comes at a time when the geopolitical situation in Asia and the Asia-Pacific region is fluid - consequent to the US deciding to re-energise relations with countries in the region - and when Sino-US relations have been under some strain.

UN Photo Evan Schneider_210x140 Courtesy: UN Photo/Evan Schneider
16 January 2011

Who’s Next After Tunisia?

The Jasmine Revolution in Tunisia has demonstrated that dictatorial regimes in Arab countries can indeed fall. Elliott Abrams, CFR’s Senior Fellow for Middle Eastern Studies, determines which of the autocrats from Algeria to Kuwait could be, on their way out.

Salmaan Taseer Flickr_210x140 Courtesy: SalmaanTaseer/Flickr
12 January 2011

Pakistan: At the edge of the abyss

The murder of Salman Taseer , the liberal-minded Governor of Pakistani Punjab, augurs grimly for the country. With the government mired in political turmoil, intelligentsia silenced and religious extremists integrating with the security forces, Pakistan is a state teetering on the brink of collapse.

London.gov_.uk_ Courtesy:
6 January 2011

“There’s an incredible excitement about Mumbai”

As London gears up to host the 2012 Summer Olympics, Boris Johnson, the Mayor of London, tells Gateway House's Shloka Nath what Mumbai can take away from London’s plans for renewal and expansion. Johnson likens Mumbai’s vibrancy and potential to London’s appeal.

Hdptcar Flickr 2_210x140 Courtesy: Hdptcar /Flickr
5 January 2011

Ivory Coast: a call for non-interference

Ivory Coast is yet another African nation in the throes of political transition and continued interference by the global agencies. At stake is a thriving economy and a fragile tribal balance, which threatens to turn into a religious issue. Neelam Deo reviews the options before the country and the global community.