Risingpowersinitiative.org Courtesy: Risingpowersinitiative.org
14 December 2015

India’s Iran opportunity

Iran has emerged on to the world stage after 36 years of isolation. India must double up its diplomacy and commercial engagement with Iran, and move boldly beyond the curtain of ‘civilisational’ ties. Time to put that natural advantage to good commercial use through a vigorous private sector engagement with Tehran.

horizontal_logo_cop21 Courtesy:
11 December 2015

COP21 battle: from Paris to Nairobi

December 13 will bring curtains down on climate change talks at Paris, but the sharp ideological divides between rich countries and developing nations will continue to play out at World Trade Organisation’s 10th Ministerial Conference in Nairobi, beginning on December 15

India US energy war Courtesy: MEA India / Flickr
9 December 2015

COP21: unspoken India-U.S. war

An unspoken war has been waged between India and the U.S. at the COP21 Summit in Paris. If the West wants India to opt for more expensive energy options, then they must also reciprocate by sharing technology.

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7 December 2015

Bangkok breakthrough

The brief interaction between Modi and Sharif in Paris paved way for a meeting between the NSAs of the two states in Bangkok on 6 December. It is these unobtrusive talks by empowered envoys in neutral venues which will achieve real results

COP21: “we mean business”
5 December 2015

COP21: “we mean business”

The first week of Paris climate talks came to an end on Friday 4 December, 2015. The road ahead to reach an agreement seems difficult as multinational companies have aligned themselves more with the agenda of the developed world. Is sense going to prevail in the coming week and 'differentiated nature of responsibility' find acceptance?

Baka-charging-station_cropped Courtesy: Sass Peress / Wikipedia
3 December 2015

Cheap finance for climate change

The Climate Conference in Paris offers the globe a chance to arrive at a firm action plan—and underpinning this chance are advances in solar and electric vehicles technology. If the Paris talks focus on making such technology and related finance available to countries like India, we can move closer to achieving climate goals

OIl Tech Flickr Courtesy: epSos .de/Flickr
3 December 2015

Paris Summit: eco-systems vs. profits

If COP 21 Summit in Paris is to play a decisive role in warding off climate havoc, it must strengthen efforts to resolve the greatest market failure in history. Efforts to reconfigure market culture are part of a larger civilizational process of treating profit as the means not the goal of business.

EndISISFlickrDawn Endico Courtesy: Dawn Endico
3 December 2015

Can ISIS be defeated?

Today ISIS is the gravest international security threat. To defeat ISIS, the world should pay heed to India’s experience of the need to isolate state sponsors of terrorism. Ultimately, only when Saudi Arabia acknowledges the danger to its own survival from past policies of alleged support to extremist groups, can it be a reliable partner in the fight against ISIS.