boeing777_2 Courtesy: Aero Icarus/Wikimedia Commons
21 March 2014

MH370: India’s intelligence challenge

The talk about the missing Malaysian airlines being hijacked for an attack on an Indian city has necessitated an assessment of India’s counter-terrorism preparedness. India has strengthened its air defences on the tactical front but lags behind in intelligence sharing in aerial, land and maritime terror attacks

Credit Rating Agencies Courtesy: Jeremy Edmunds/Flickr
20 March 2014

A new house for sovereign ratings

Efforts to reform credit rating agencies after the 2008 financial crisis have failed to address concerns about their ability to assess a nation’s financial status. Issues like private interests and a disregard for the diversity of development models have made it imperative to think of a new multilateral agency

EOH2 Courtesy: Alex Jensen
20 March 2014

Rethinking material progress

At a recent conference on the ‘Economics of Happiness’ in Bangalore, opponents of globalisation outlined a vision of an economic system rooted in community, localisation and fairness. However, convincing everyone to think beyond GDP growth and look at harmonious “intelligent growth” will be a challenge

ukraine1 Courtesy: Spacie/WIkimedia Commons
14 March 2014

‘Sanctions on Russia could impact India’

Neelam Deo, Director, Gateway House, talks about the potential economic impact of the ongoing crisis in the Ukraine. In this interview, she also examines the aid packages offered to Ukraine by Russia and the West, and assesses how the situation will affect India’s trade relations

Federal_Reserve_Board_Building Courtesy: Agnostic Preachers Kid/Wikimedia Commons
13 March 2014

Multi-polar world, unilateral Fed

To navigate the U.S. away from the huge monetary stimulus, the Federal Reserve has initiated tapering. But in an integrating world, the emerging economies, especially India, China and Brazil, will see collateral liquidity damage. How will the Fed enforce its mandate? How will central banks in emerging markets react?

Arg_Pesos_2014 Courtesy: alex proimos/Wikimedia Commons
13 March 2014

Going downhill: Argentine economy

With a devaluing peso, a low trade surplus, high inflation, and falling foreign exchange reserves, the economic situation in Argentina is bleak. But the government can overcome the crisis by changing policies, lessening controls, exploring the country’s shale gas reserves, and working on settling its debt