website eissenhower Courtesy: Foreign Policy
22 June 2023

What Delhi can give D.C.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi's third visit to the U.S., set against the backdrop of a changing world order, will be in a U.S. that is different from the one he visited in 2014, internationally and domestically. While accepting U.S. largesse, India must offer the U.S. things of value too. These include affordable healthcare, digitalisation, multilateral engagement and collaborations with the Global South.

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21 June 2023

Africa seeks peace dividend

Last week, an African peace delegation travelled to Kyiv and Moscow, presenting them with a 10-point plan for peace. While the plan received mixed reactions, the African initiative was a courageous step towards peace. The effort coincides with India proposing the AU join the G20, and South Africa’s entry into the troika of G20 presidencies next year.

Bringing the African Union into the G20
20 June 2023

Bringing the African Union into the G20

India's proposal to invite the African Union as a full member of the G20 comes three months before the Leaders’ Summit. The AU’s entry will make the grouping more representative and inclusive, thereby enhancing its moral credibility. For its part, the AU’S economic potential and mineral wealth can have a positive impact on decisions of global importance.

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14 June 2023

India’s G20 presidency at midpoint

India’s year-long G20 Presidency completed six months at a time of global economic slowdown and sharpening geopolitical contestation. While India has done well in leveraging the Presidency to articulate its vital goals, the success of the upcoming Delhi Summit will depend on achieving consensus, additionality, and implementability.

BoB3 Courtesy: The Strategist
1 June 2023

Food, Energy & Finance Connectivity in the Bay of Bengal

Despite its natural advantages, the Bay of Bengal region lags economically, in part due to insufficient connectivity between the member nations. Improving financial connectivity between them is the first step to easing movement of goods, services and people. Greater financial collaboration also can help the region mitigate the impact of ongoing geopolitical upheavals that have caused food and energy prices to rise.

BRICS-Summit-2018 Courtesy: Asia Times
25 May 2023

The paradox of BRICS

After many early achievements, BRICS is now in gridlock, made worse by the COVID-19 pandemic, India-China border tensions, and the Ukraine conflict. Despite its apparent diplomatic bankruptcy, 19 countries across Africa, Asia, and Latin America are eagerly waiting in line to join the grouping.

pakistan economy Courtesy: Reuters
24 May 2023

South Asian Currencies in Crisis

India’s South Asian neighbours have all seen sharp currency devaluations since early 2022. These are a result of maintaining artificially strong exchange rates, made possible by remittances from migrant workers. However, by postponing the inevitable devaluations, these states have made their economic crises much worse.

dhaka tribune Courtesy: Dhaka Tribune
18 May 2023

Dhaka on the Move

Dhaka recently hosted the Indian Ocean Conference 2023, a multi-country event featuring speakers and participants from the Indian Ocean countries. In recent years, Bangladesh has gone from a ‘basket-case’ to a case study in progress, and across Dhaka are signs of a city undergoing dramatic change.