Search Results for "sameer patil"
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13 August 2020

India’s Defence-Industrial Agenda

The delivery of five Rafale fighter jets last month is a big boost for Indian military capacity. The government's recent ban on the import of 101 defence items is a major step forward in building domestic defence-industrial capabilities. Partnering with like-minded diplomatic partners and adopting emerging technologies will help India in this endeavour.

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13 August 2020

The importance of being Taiwan

Taiwan’s stellar response in containing the spread of the virus has been appreciated globally. Taipei is now in the spotlight, as it seeks global political equality and prepares its economy to become self-sufficient in everything from artificial intelligence to defence technology. Its changing global positioning has awakened its bilateral relationships, and India-Taiwan is one of them, with significant potential. In this episode of the Gateway House Weekly Webcast, Sameer Patil, Fellow, International Security Studies Programme, Gateway House is in conversation with Dr. I-Chung Lai, President, Prospect Foundation and Prof. M.D. Nalapat, Editorial Director, The Sunday Guardian and Vice-Chair of the Manipal Advanced Research Group to discuss Taiwan’s emerging global role.

Defense Industrial Agenda_Sameer Patil_Final Cover Courtesy: Gateway House
30 July 2020

A Defence Industrial Agenda for India

The delivery of five Rafale fighter jets this week demonstrates the continued upgrading of India’s military capabilities. A key part of this process has been the building of a domestic defence-industrial base by promoting participation of the private sector. Bringing certainty to defence procurement, monitoring emerging technologies and joining hands with like-minded countries, will play a critical role in taking this forward.

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18 May 2020

A defence-industrial agenda for India

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman’s recent announcement of defence reforms is an appropriate opportunity for India to create a vibrant and profitable defence-industrial base by focusing on the procurement process, capitalising on emerging technologies and partnering with like-minded countries.

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23 April 2020

The issue of Cybersecurity during COVID19

The shift towards ‘work from home’ arrangements during the coronavirus enforced lockdown, has seen a sharp rise in the number and types of cyberattacks. With attacks exploiting new vulnerabilities, a highly secure, online infrastructure is imperative for businesses to function properly. Are India’s software companies ready with solutions?