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14 February 2015, Gateway House

Sri Lankan President to Visit India

Neelam Deo, director at Gateway House, comments on President Sirisena’s upcoming visit to India

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Sri Lanka’s newly elected president, Maithripala Sirisena, will visit India from 15-18 February 2015. This will be his first foreign visit since he took office on 9 January 2015. Neelam Deo, director at Gateway House, comments on the significance of his visit to India.


“During his election campaign, Maithripala Sirisena made it clear that it is in Sri Lanka’s interest to have balanced relations with all of its neighbours. Making India his first foreign destination since he took office is an important step in this direction.

Sirisena has already taken measures to allay concerns in the Northern provinces. Jaffna’s military governor, appointed by Rajapaksa, has been replaced by a civilian. There have been positive assurances from Sri Lanka’s new government regarding the devolution of powers to the provinces. Sirisena has also indicated that the government will take measures to ease army deployments in the North.

Traditionally, India and Sri Lanka have shared close relations – this is imperative for India in the changing strategic landscape of South Asia and the Indo-Pacific. President Sirisena’s visit from 15-18 February will contribute positively to the bilateral and expand opportunities for economic engagement.

India has investments worth over $1 billion in Sri Lanka, and trade between the two countries stands at $5 billion. India will need to strike a difficult and delicate balance between its economic interests and the need to emphasise the concerns of the Sri Lankan Tamils. India must advance pending projects with Sri Lanka, particularly the $270 million project to build housing units in the North and a 500-megawatt coal power plant in the Eastern province.”

For more information or interview requests, please contact Reetika Joshi at or +91 88793 61671.