15267919794_c437878c2b_z (1) Courtesy: MEA
28 November 2014

SAARC debriefing

The 18th SAARC Summit held in Nepal concluded on November 27 with the release of the Kathmandu Declaration. Did the summit live up to its expectations? Was concrete progress made, and if so in which areas? Where is SAARC heading now? Gateway House asks and answers five questions on the outcome of the summit

Sonia_Gandhi Courtesy: Yann/WikimediaCommons
4 August 2011

Gandhi dynasty: Politics as usual

As Sonia Gandhi receives medical treatment in the U.S., foreign - and not Indian - media reported about the leader of the Congress Party. Can Indians hope that the party will have the maturity to elect one from amongst itself or will the limp Indian opposition cohere into a credible force?

Freestylee Flickr Courtesy: Freestylee/Flickr
10 February 2011

Do something, say something

As soon as something happens in any country, a clamour begins in all the other capitals. Governments are importuned to do or say something. Does saying and doing nothing alter the dynamic of a movement, slow it down or derail it? Are the demands articulated feasible for a government to accept and implement?