Indian-Americans turn Democrat Courtesy: United States Government Work
1 August 2012

Indian-Americans turn Democrat

The Indian-American voters in the U.S. seem to be prioritising their local concerns over the larger U.S.-India bilateral relationship. The Democrats, by facilitating the group’s greater inclusion in U.S. society, politics and businesses, have thus made this huge community lean largely in their favour.

Courtesy: Malwack/WikimediaCommons
14 July 2012

Romney vs. Obama: A problem of class

At the heart of the U.S. Presidential elections campaign is a debate about class. This time, the scenario is different: recession, slow economic recovery, the Occupy movement and many financial scandals have expanded the domain for the forbidden topic.

seema nato summit obama Courtesy: Secretary of Defense/Flickr
23 May 2012

NATO-Pakistan: Frigid in Chicago

Pakistan’s refusal to re-open NATO supply routes into Afghanistan has made the country an instant pariah in the U.S. at the NATO Summit. The communiqué released confirms a withdrawal of 130,000 troops by as early as mid-2013. Can the remaining soldiers help maintain peace when a force much larger could not?

ObamaVsRomney Courtesy: Malwack/Wikimedia Commons
8 May 2012

How India sees the U.S. presidential race

C. Raja Mohan says Indians watching how the U.S. presidential race shapes up shows a growing appreciation of how political developments within the United States can affect Indian interests. He answered questions on a variety of subjects involving India-U.S. relations in this interview with Bernard Gwertzman.

5825395379_5d725a53f4_z Courtesy: Flickr/freeedomania
21 April 2012

UN: a return to ‘mandated colonialism’

By forcing regime change in Libya, and attempting the same in Syria, and by promiscuously arming disparate groups of Wahabbis and Salafists to achieve this aim, NATO is creating more room for instability in the region. What Syria needs is engagement, not isolation; it needs dialogue and not the arming of rebels.

U.S. defence: Focus on China Courtesy: The White House/WikimediaCommons
13 January 2012

U.S. defence: Focus on China

The new U.S. defense strategy calls for less military spending, and a focus on Asia-Pacific with the strategic emphasis to counter China’s defense build-up as the focal point. This shift could drive the debate toward an aggressive new Cold War rhetoric against China, or accommodation driven by economic necessity.

Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP)
13 December 2011

Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP)

Amidst myriad country groupings that already exist – BRICS, IBSA, APEC, SCO and many others – a new initiative in the Pacific is looking to integrate more powerful countries to form a multilateral free trade agreement – the Trans Pacific Partnership. How important is this towards the reshaping of trade and power?

Occupy Wall Street Courtesy: Bob Dowling
5 October 2011

Occupy Wall Street

The Occupy Wall Street movement in the U.S. is gathering strength, with new groups of the aggrieved adding to the numbers of protestors. Gateway House’s editorial advisor Bob Dowling plunges into the crowd to gauge the depth of the movement, and the seriousness of the protestors’ intent.