trump Courtesy: Indian Express
16 January 2025

Détente for hegemony

On January 20, when the U.S. gets a new president, he will face a world of changed alliances. China at the high table and newly aligned with Russia, which is separated from its European cousins, two wars and a G2-leaning global economy. Will Donald Trump revert to the days of ‘détente’ or continue the ‘neocon’ policies in vogue, to maintain U.S. hegemony?

CobbleCC Wiki_210x140 Courtesy: CobbleCC/Wikipedia
7 March 2011

China’s Revealing Five-Year Priorities

The Chinese National People's Congress has formulated a new five year plan that directs Chinese companies to assert themselves globally, proposes government involvement in "certain aspects of the economy related to social stability, such as inflation, public opinion, and the food supply."

China-India Comparison – An Examination of 2011 Direction and Developments Courtesy:
23 December 2010

China-India Comparison – An Examination of 2011 Direction and Developments

China has growing concerns about its business environment. Overheads are increasing. And there’s greater wealth creation within its own consumer market. How is this impacting the Indian market, and its perceived progress? This report explores a new trend in the China-India corridor