specialfocusukraine Courtesy: Yuriy V Dzyadyk/Wikimedia Commons
15 March 2014

Special focus: Ukraine

Ukraine is at a critical juncture following the collapse of its government after months of political turmoil. Gateway House looks at how India is likely to be affected by the sanctions on Russia, the parallels between the protests in Venezuela and in Ukraine, as well the roots of the Ukraine conflict

ukraine1 Courtesy: Spacie/WIkimedia Commons
14 March 2014

‘Sanctions on Russia could impact India’

Neelam Deo, Director, Gateway House, talks about the potential economic impact of the ongoing crisis in the Ukraine. In this interview, she also examines the aid packages offered to Ukraine by Russia and the West, and assesses how the situation will affect India’s trade relations

ukraine Courtesy: Google Maps
7 March 2014

‘Ukraine may split into two countries’

Neelam Deo, Director, Gateway House, talks about the ongoing crisis in Ukraine and its possible outcomes. In this interview, she also discusses the issues at stake for Russia and the West, the credibility of assertions made by both sides, the EU’s interests in the region, and how India should respond

brent2 Courtesy: FadderUri/Flickr
17 December 2013

Reassessing Brent benchmark for crude oil

The allegations against several oil companies and price reporting agencies like Platts have raised concerns about the credibility of the global oil benchmarking architecture. While there is a need for corrections to the existing structure, the time is right for BRICS to develop alternate options

Eu iran Courtesy: European External Action Service
26 November 2013

Iran-P5+1 interim accord: An assessment

On November 24, the P5+1 and Iran reached a consensus on the interim agreement regarding Tehran’s long-disputed nuclear program. How comprehensive is this agreement, and what are its potential upshots for U.S., and West Asia – especially Israel and Saudi Arabia? More importantly, can India play a positive role?

pena nieto singh wikimedia Courtesy: WikimediaCommons
22 November 2013

Mexico: A new frontier for India

Mexico is now being increasingly referred to as the ‘China of the Americas.’ With the Mexican government introducing reforms in several sectors, and thereby easing the scope of business, how can India –which is slowly expanding its footprint in Latin America – benefit from Mexico’s rise?

merkel cdu www.GlynLowe.com flickr Courtesy: www.GlynLowe.com/Flickr
27 September 2013

Germany after elections: Similar but not the same

It may take Chancellor Angela Merkel weeks to negotiate a new coalition, but the vote for stability means that change will only be at the margins of current domestic and foreign policy. Still, the fallout of the election in the EU and beyond, including in India, should not be underestimated

Indira Lyndon Jerchel wikimediacommons Courtesy: Jerchel/WikimediaCommons
24 September 2013

The case for India-Alignment

India often finds itself in the right place at the wrong time or vice versa, as our dogma of non-alignment trumps honest calculations of self-interest in policy-making – rendering it unfavourable. The national interest, hence, calls for selective alignment on some issues with Washington and on others with Beijing