Modi in Hannover Courtesy: MEA/Flickr
13 April 2015

Modi in Hannover: Industry 4.0

Germany is a crucial partner for India, especially for the Make in India programme. The needs and strengths of both countries are complementary: in India, German companies are among the largest employers, and Germany is the second largest destination for Indian investment in Europe. India needs to develop and enhance the skill of its population, and develop an advanced manufacturing base. For this, a new level of collaboration is required.

Hannover messe Courtesy: Hannover
9 April 2015

Make German Mittelstand in India

Germany’s Mittelstand or medium and small companies are the heart beat of Germany’s successful economy. They will be showcased at the Hannover Fair, which Prime Minister Modi will inaugurate on April 12. It can be the perfect blueprint for his Make in India effort.

Buhari victory Courtesy: Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung/Flickr
9 April 2015

Time for hope and healing in Nigeria

On 29 May, Buhari was sworn in as the next president of Nigeria, ending the presidency of Goodluck Jonathan. The mandate for Buhari indicates that Nigerians want a firmer hand in dealing with corruption, regionalism, and insurgency. It is now Buhari’s task to fulfil these hopes

arak Courtesy: Wikipedia
7 April 2015

Arak nuclear reactor neutered

One of the long-standing issues in the Iran-P5+1 negotiations was Iran's Arak nuclear reactor because of its potential to produce weapons grade plutonium. The recent Iran-P5+1 agreement includes a resolution that has specific measures to ensure it is not used to used to produce nuclear weapons

Tehran nuclear deal Courtesy: Zuma Press
6 April 2015

The rebirth of Iran through diplomacy

The JCPA between Iran and the P5+1 countries is being welcomed positively in Iran. President Rouhani was elected in 2013 on a platform to to improve Iran's relations with the world and majority of Iranians wait anxiously for the improved socio-economic benefits that will follow

AIIB Courtesy: file photo/Xinhua
1 April 2015

The new multilateral financial architecture

The announcement that major European powers will join the AIIB as founding members means the bank is now clearly accepted as a tangible game changer in the multilateral financial architecture. The formidable intentions of AIIB and the new transnational corridors project are both a challenge and an opportunity for India

Al thani Courtesy: Chuck Hagel/Wikimedia Commons
31 March 2015

An upsurge of Wahabbis confront the “Sabahis”

Currently, it appears that the Wahabbis have the upper hand over the "Sabahis" in the middle east. But the war for the hearts and minds of a people as gifted as the Arabs, is far from over.

66A Courtesy: Wikimedia
25 March 2015

Beyond 66A

India’s Supreme Court struck down Section 66A of the Information Technology Act as unconstitutional because it infringes on freedom of expression. India's future depends on a social and cultural movement in favor of greater tolerance in public life so that diverse, even offensive, opinions can be freely expressed