New Triangle2 Courtesy: Gateway House
10 November 2016

A new Asian triangle?

Aung San Suu Kyi paid high-profile visits to both Japan and India recently; economic cooperation would have been high on her agenda. But what could also emerge from such overtures is a diplomatic threesome

BIMSTEC Courtesy: Google Earth
20 October 2016

BRICS/BIMSTEC’s maritime portents

The recent BRICS summit and BIMSTEC outreach highlighted some laudable maritime endeavours linking geographically distant, emerging economies within the grouping. The BIMSTEC platform is also crucial to India's efforts to create a peaceful Bay of Bengal community through economic and cultural linkages.

Kapil Kapoor YT Cover Courtesy:
6 July 2016

Kapil Kapoor on improving African energy and food security

With Prime Minister Modi set to embarking on a four-nation tour in Africa, we recall the chat we had with Kapil Kapoor, Director of the African Development Bank, on the sidelines of The Gateway of India Dialogue, where he highlighted the kind of opportunities that have arisen in Africa to provide energy and food security.