IAFS MEA Courtesy:
28 October 2015

IAFS III: There is great interest in collaborating with India

The Third India Africa Forum Summit is being held in New Delhi from October 26-29, 2015. The mood in Africa around the Summit is evident as, for the first time, all 54 countries have representations. Ambassador Neelam Deo, Director, Gateway House, talks to us about the Summit and the many elections currently underway in the continent.

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26 October 2015

IAFS III: India to offer new financial package?

The Third India Africa Forum Summit (IAFS) is currently underway in New Delhi. Over 50 heads of state from the African Union are expected to attend the Summit. Rajiv Bhatia, former Ambassador/High Commissioner in Kenya, Myanmar, Mexico and South Africa, lists the priorities for its success.

Modi Obama Wiki Courtesy: Wikipedia
21 October 2015

Building on India-U.S. meeting points

Modi’s second visit to the U.S. in September indicates a growing partnership in such areas as business, technology, and climate change. Though gaps too remain—for example, India is not part of the TPP and its bid for a UNSC seat is on hold—for now, it is time to consolidate bilateral meeting points, and India can start by simplifying its trade policy and tariff structure

Pharma Pixelbay Courtesy: Pixabay
21 October 2015

Will the TPP impact Indian pharma?

Do the TPP and the proposed India-EU trade deal extend protection of IPR, delaying generic competition for life-saving drugs and keeping their prices high? While these and other possible implications for Indian consumers and pharma companies become clearer over time, India must robustly engage with the debate on trade deals and public interest

Merkel Modi Courtesy: MEA / Flickr
15 October 2015

Moving ahead after Merkel’s visit

German Chancellor Merkel’s recent visit to India with a high-powered entourage showed the weight attached to this bilateral relationship. German companies want to gain more access to the Indian market and be part of Prime Minister Modi’s high-tech initiatives—and it is up to India to surmount political hurdles and tap into this potential.

nuke power plant Courtesy: Pixabay
15 October 2015

Why India-U.S. energy ties are stuck

Even as India and Germany move ahead on energy cooperation, India-U.S. energy collaboration is stranded in the three key areas: nuclear power, shale gas, and solar energy. But with cheaper energy imports due to the fall in fossil fuel prices over the past 12 months, India can wait till it gets a better deal from the U.S.

TTIP Courtesy: openDemocracy / Flickr
8 September 2015

India’s lurking TTIP challenge

If the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership moves ahead after further negotiations were held in July, Indian exporters could be disadvantaged. Instead, India must be ready to use the further opening up of huge markets across the Atlantic, and adopt trade policies that mix regionalism and multilateralism.

Handshake_between_Narendra_Modi_and_Nawaz_Sharif Courtesy: Wikipedia
3 September 2015

Pakistan’s denial regime

The cancellation of the August 23-24 meeting of the national security advisors of India and Pakistan follows a pattern of unrealistic expectations raised and then quickly dashed. This is compounded by Pakistan’s long history of denial on numerous issues. It may be time for both countries to abjure high-profile diplomacy and turn to small confidence-building measures.