Former_Taliban_fighters_return_arms Courtesy: Wikipedia
23 July 2015

No peace in Kabul without Delhi

The recent meeting between the Taliban and the Afghan governments– brokered China– holds promise to bring peace to Afghanistan. However, the absence of India at the table notable. Given India's investments in Afghanistan and geopolitical importance, China must seek to bring India to the table, otherwise peace will remain elusive

Zarif-Kerry Courtesy: Wikipedia
17 July 2015

Iran sanctions: journey’s end

A journey which began in Istanbul in 2012 ended in triumph in Vienna in July 2014, as the P5+1 countries and Iran announced a Joint Plan of Comprehensive action that would see Iran free of all economic sanctions while upholding the right to a civil nuclear programme. While this journey, fraught with challenges, technically is over, the ratification battle in the U.S. congress commences now

Iran oil Courtesy: Wikipedia
2 July 2015

Iran deal can be India’s gain

A possible Iran nuclear deal means a longer window of lower oil prices. But the glut of oil supplies is already resulting in cutbacks to oil exploration and production spending, and will eventually lead to higher energy prices. Before that happens, India must use this opportunity to lock in prices

UN_Yoga_Day Courtesy: MEA Flickr
18 June 2015

International yoga day

The growing popularity of yoga across the world—highlighted by the International Yoga Day on June 21—is a triumph for those seeking to promote holistic knowledge systems and therapies for human well-being, and the recognition by the UN could strengthen public spending in support of such therapies across the world

Modi walking Courtesy: Ministry of External Affair, Flickr
11 June 2015

Bangladesh and beyond

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s completion of the South Asia circuit demonstrates the importance of the neighbourhood in his government’s foreign policy. The improved perception of India in the neighbourhood, especially in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, is a positive, but the neighbours must recognise that India’s federal structure makes decision-making slower and more difficult on issues that affect neighbouring Indian states like West Bengal and Tamil Nadu.