dilma Courtesy: Ministério da Saúde/Flickr
17 October 2013

Brazil’s new global agenda for the internet

After revelations that the U.S.’s NSA spied on her, Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff has ordered a series of measures to ensure online independence and called for an equitable global internet infrastructure. India can follow Brazil’s lead and make its communication systems less vulnerable

Quartz Courtesy: Quartz
30 September 2013

There’s a quiet revolution taking place in Indian manufacturing

Quartz republished George Wyeth’s article on the ongoing changes in the Indian manufacturing sector. He argues that competitive pressure is now forcing a transformation, and explains how new management models now being adopted can change how investors and customers perceive Indian companies

shale gas himani Justin Woolford Flickr Courtesy: Justin Woolford/Flickr
13 September 2013

The real cost of shale gas

India’s ability to meet its growing gas demand from shale depends on the availability of land and water, and minimising social and environmental costs. The government’s 2012 draft shale gas policy does not offer solutions. How can India create a stable investment environment for the shale gas market?

india-briefing-img. Courtesy: India Briefing
22 August 2013

The Falling Rupee Ushers in India as a Global Trade Dynamo

The U.S. economy is recovering, and the dollar strengthening, the lack of which has been behind much of the Global Financial Crisis over the past four years, and one that is largely responsible for the slowdown in China’s manufacturing. This is not a crisis, it’s a rebalancing, and the same is true for India.

BRICS Summit Courtesy: Blog do Planalto
12 July 2013

A clarion call to study BRICS

The launch of the BRICS Universities League in Shanghai is an important effort for the five nations to understand each other and define their place in global governance

Brazil Protest by Semilla Luz Courtesy: Semilla Luz/ Flickr
2 July 2013

Brazil, Turkey, Occupy and India: What’s up folks?

The protests in Brazil, Turkey, Egypt and India are bound by a common thread of grievances against misuse of government power and corruption. These modern protests show a marked decline in government trust, even though may not always have clear objectives