The Daily Star logo Courtesy:
16 April 2012

India sours for foreign investors

Gateway House's Director Manjeet Kripalani was quoted in The Daily Star, a newspaper in Bangladesh, about foreign investment in India. She gives her opinion on the government's tax policy for foreign investors in India and the inefficient reform process.

26 March 2012

A Tale of Two Cities

What happens to Mumbai’s expanding slums? Why is India’s growth 15 years behind China? Gateway House’s Bob Dowling blogs after joining a discussion of urban planners and slum advocates in Mumbai on one day and a high-level International

China Daily Asia Pacific logo Courtesy:
16 March 2012

India suffers from lack of political consensus

China Daily quoted, in their Asia Pacific edition, an article by Gateway House's Director Manjeet Kripalani and Bob Dowling, Editorial Advisor, about China's and India's economic slowdown. The authors explain the difference between China and India in their approach and responses to economic problems.

IndianExpress Courtesy: Indian Express
2 March 2012

UP, yesterday and tomorrow

Studying Mayawati's legacy in Uttar Pradesh, Manjeet Kripalani argues that despite pervasive corruption in the state , Mayawati has been successful in doing two things - instilling pride in the Dalit and ensuring that the benefits of the poverty programmes reach the poor.

2355314992_76470bb8ce Courtesy: Amir Farshad Ebrahimi/Flickr
17 February 2012

What Iran’s election means for India

On March 2, 2012, the Islamic Republic of Iran will hold its ninth parliamentary election. The outcome and state decisions that follow will have significant effects on India, which has strong political relations with Iran and relies on it for a considerable portion of its energy imports.