use Courtesy:
30 May 2024

Competitive welfare or development?

The result of India’s national elections will be out June 4. An eight-day, four-state road trip revealed hotly contested elections where the central issue is competitive and elaborate welfare schemes versus further development and a future for youth. There’s lots of money sloshing around, making elections as lucrative as wedding parties, and plenty of political and family splits for a soap opera.

campaigning in karnataka Courtesy: Manjeet Kripalani
9 May 2023

Karnataka: the middle-income nation

The political campaigning in Karnataka’s upcoming state elections is heated and hectic, but disconnected from the economic entity that is Karnataka. Few of the issues of literacy, growth, and employment in other parts of India, apply to Karnataka. For Karnataka by itself is a middle-income country in the heart of India, a “tech-driven society” with a transformational global digital economy.

rajni's blog Courtesy:
28 April 2014

Elections: citizens’ initiatives

Elections in India have long inspired a wide variety of citizens’ initiatives aimed at making the electoral process more free, fair and democratic. These initiatives during the 2014 general elections are giving voters not just a chance to be better informed, but also more deeply engaged with the process