wignraja Courtesy:
9 July 2024

Indian Diplomacy: Diversifying Global Supply Chains

China-centric global supply chains, the backbone of East Asia’s prosperity, are shifting out as tensions over tariffs and strategic contest between the West and China soars. Ganeshan Wignaraja, Professorial Fellow, Economics and Trade, Gateway House, discusses diversifying supply chains, the China plus one strategy, and the role of India as a supply chain magnet for its South Asian neighbours.

XiJinping--621x414 Courtesy: Xinhua
12 May 2015

Xi to Modi: “Here’s my shopping list”

With a massive, yet demanding middle class, the Chinese Communist Party needs a reliable source of cheap labor to continue to allow Chinese nationals to enjoy mass-produced daily products. step forward India, mass producer.

Modi in Hannover Courtesy: MEA/Flickr
13 April 2015

Modi in Hannover: Industry 4.0

Germany is a crucial partner for India, especially for the Make in India programme. The needs and strengths of both countries are complementary: in India, German companies are among the largest employers, and Germany is the second largest destination for Indian investment in Europe. India needs to develop and enhance the skill of its population, and develop an advanced manufacturing base. For this, a new level of collaboration is required.

George wyeth piece image Courtesy: Rajesh_India/Flickr
20 September 2013

An unseen revolution in Indian manufacturing?

Indian manufacturing’s share of GDP has been stagnating. Some of the industry’s problems stem from a business culture of hierarchy and bureaucracy. But competitive pressure is forcing a transformation, and the new management models now being adopted can change how investors and customers perceive Indian companies

manmohanchidammontek Courtesy: WikimediaCommons
26 August 2013

Dreams out, reality in

The economic mismanagement by the ruling UPA in the past few years – by putting politics and polls ahead of economy and prosperity, and slavish obedience to political masters – has created an environment of crisis and desperation in India. Where did the country’s so-called economic ‘dream team’ go wrong?