Hannover messe Courtesy: Hannover Messe.de
9 April 2015

Make German Mittelstand in India

Germany’s Mittelstand or medium and small companies are the heart beat of Germany’s successful economy. They will be showcased at the Hannover Fair, which Prime Minister Modi will inaugurate on April 12. It can be the perfect blueprint for his Make in India effort.

66A Courtesy: Wikimedia
25 March 2015

Beyond 66A

India’s Supreme Court struck down Section 66A of the Information Technology Act as unconstitutional because it infringes on freedom of expression. India's future depends on a social and cultural movement in favor of greater tolerance in public life so that diverse, even offensive, opinions can be freely expressed

Modi on Air India Courtesy: Ministry of External Affairs of India
26 December 2014

Modi’s 2014 diplomatic calendar

Prime Minister Narendra Modi had a busy diplomatic calendar in 2014. He travelled to seven countries and met dozens of world leaders in his first six months in office, and received 11 heads of state during that time. Gateway House followed his foreign engagements closely, commenting on them in our weekly newsletter to our members

Modi at G20 Courtesy: Ministry of External Affairs/GoI
26 December 2014

India’s foreign policy reimagined

The style and substance of the foreign policies of Narendra Modi’s six-month-old government have been remarkably different from those of his predecessors. Gateway House examines the changes in India’s equations with three critical countries—the US, China and Pakistan—and outlines a foreign policy forecast for 2015

Xi_Modi Courtesy: Narendra Modi (wikimedia.org)
27 November 2014

China’s connectivity tips for India

A major theme at the multilateral summits this month was connectivity, with China at the forefront. India is trailing behind due to a shortfall in investment and political will, among other factors. Prime Minister Modi must follow up on his meetings at the SAARC Summit by robustly taking forward India’s connectivity agenda

Modi Jokowi cross Courtesy: Gateway House
22 July 2014

A better partner: Indonesia?

The recent election in Indonesia gives India a chance to evaluate the many points of comparison between the two diverse and vibrant democracies. Both will face similar challenges, and so Indonesia may be a better parallel as well as partner than China – the usual model cited for development

Modi departure_Bhutan Courtesy: MEA/Indian Embassy Thimphu
18 June 2014

Modi: charting a new foreign policy course

Narendra Modi’s first month in office has seen him deftly handle India’s neighbours, accept an invitation to visit Washington, enhance relations with Bhutan and accord due importance to China. In the same manner, Modi will also have to move quickly and firmly to reassure foreign investors of the dependability of India’s fiscal environment

radu Courtesy: sachchahindustani.com
13 June 2014

Social media beyond voter mobilisation

These elections may have been an inflection point, when big data hit critical mass. From now, it will be used to maximal effect to raise funds, influence people and read the national mood. Not just by political parties, but equally by pollsters and the media.