Big_Gallery_Image_43_0 Courtesy: EmbassyofIndia,WashingtonDC
15 August 2011

Women ambassadors shine for India

The job of forging partnerships while sustaining India’s interests is done by its ambassadors –and New Delhi has the unique distinction of sending two women ambassadors in a row to the US. A study of Indian envoy Meera Shankar’s tenure, and what awaits her successor –and former foreign secretary–Nirupama Rao.

wagah border flag shastri article2_210x140 Courtesy: DanielHauptstein/WikimediaCommons
27 June 2011

India-Pakistan: The stabilising mantra

Although the Indo-Pakistan foreign secretary talks did not grab all the headlines, bilateral relations have seen notable developments. The former single-minded approach to discuss terrorism was modified, in turn allowing both nations to progress in terms of friendly and nuclear confidence building measures.